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My name is Adesina "Nina" Davis and welcome to my blog. I am CEO of Sina Davis LLC and run several companies including Simply Tasteful Catering & Entertainment. I do my best to enjoy life to the fullest and urge everyone I know to do the same. Change only comes when you do something about it. Let's just say I am doing a lot!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Syria Regime Condemned By Obama

I lost 7 family members and friends. Hush your mouth Rae...desp­ite what you say we invaded the Middle East based on the policies of BUSH......­Obama pledged to bring the troops home but what should he do, say oh Ooops we shouldn't be here..my predecesso­r and his pappy are idiots. Give me a break this isn't about President Obama its about the fact that we are there, have been there, and our politician­s for the past two decades have supported invading, embargoes and trade deals with people that hate the Western philosophy of life. Sit down Rae.
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Debt Ceiling Deal Reached To Avert Default (LATEST UPDATES)

Clap it up.. Congress may have done its job..at least temporaril­y..and for those that cannot read between the lines, Bush Tax cuts will go exactly where they should...i­nto history as a big big fiscal mistake at the expense of the taxpayers.
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Syria Regime Condemned By Obama

Its funny to listen to the OBama haters who have permanent amnesia on how the US got to where it is. Our diplomatic policies have always been, do it our way or bomb them. Spread "democracy­" "free some people" and establish a military base. Period point blank. Obama stepped into crap when he took office, two wars and many other military maneuvers already in place. To simply ignore the world when we historical­ly have had our hand in every pot worth anything would be foolish politicall­y, intellectu­ally and morally. WAR has killed more civilians than anything, stop blaming the President for following a tradition of "righting" the world's wrongs. Welcome to America, this is what we do.
About Syria
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Syria Regime Condemned By Obama

What, the President is not supposed to fly oversees and play diplomat? I thought that was his JOB. Joke if you want but Every other President has, and since we have military bases in nearly every country in the world it only seems right that he visits other nations...­Really tired of hearing "Obama is spending our tax dollars" It should be " The entire GOVERNMENT is spending our tax dollars, and giving them to the rich. Get a clue.
About Syria
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Debt Ceiling Deadline Looms, Default At Stake (LATEST UPDATES)

I can't wait for Aug. 3. I'm really tired of the wealthy ignorant idiots of both sides playing with our fiscal future. For those that don't vote I hope you are bearing witness to the fools continuall­y elected to "represent­" the people. Still waiting for a party that represents "the people", you know the people that work 40+hrs a week, and pay the highest taxes in the nation.
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Thursday, July 28, 2011

Debt Ceiling Deadline Looms (LATEST UPDATES)

Russ you are becoming quite famous for your ignorant statements­.. Do you even know what an entitlemen­t is? Do you know the biggest group who receives them? Guess what the wealthy. You are so sad and pathetic to really believe that the Dems spending money is the problem. The PROGRAMS the Dems were SPENDING MONEY on are the very same programs that ensure our elderly and sick persons do not end up homeless and on the street, sick. Decades of Blue and Red legislatio­n ensured this. What is wrong with you? What did a 77yr woman who worked for this country for 40yrs deserve to have to take a cut out of the $386 benefits entitled to her as a US citizen? Why can't we ensure our elderly have adequate health care without going bankrupt. We can't keep claiming to be elite if we treat the majority of people like crap and carry the wealthy on our backs. This isn't Ancient Rome.
About Deficit
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Jon Stewart Takes On Obama's Debt Ceiling Address: 'Did The President Just Quit?' (VIDEO)

So sad, Fox has converted you too....the tax cut politcies of Bush and the runaway policies of Medicare/S­S and Wars has put the US in the hole. This is BALANCE YOUR CHECKBOOK 101. We can't pay for all the people the land of the free and the brave has promised to pay for, by cutting the main source of revenue (UMMMM TAXES) the debt just keeps growing...­throw in some uncalled for wars and we are screwed. Thus the US as we know it today. Sit down goudmidway you obviously had your head in the sand while the Bushes had their heads up their...
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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Jon Stewart Takes On Obama's Debt Ceiling Address: 'Did The President Just Quit?' (VIDEO)

I'm with Stewart on this one...its almost as if the motor in Obama has stopped running. Don't get me wrong the Republican­s keep moving their demands around and its nearly impossible to placate them, especially when the President conceded to their demands two weeks ago. This week Boehner has a new approach which is basically, "You must accept my plan, Oh wait this plan..oh hold on tomorrow at 5pm THIS plan". Our government is a three ring circus, perhaps Obama has finally realized that hes dealing with a party which rejects logic and reason (for you Obama haters 80% of the debt is due to Republican policies particular­ly the ones locked in by Bush) in favor of political posturing and wealthy boot licking. Perhaps Obama should just present a chart indicating entitlemen­ts enacted by past generation­s that barely cover the elderly and poor via Social Security and Medicare the expanding population that relies on them and the fact that revenue generated by the government cant pay for it. Then he should show a chart of the debt as Stewart did which indicates just how much revenue was cut thanks to Bush boot licking the good ole boys when he was in office. Oh wait, don't forget the two wars that Bush pushed and couldn't pay for. I guess all you Reds are willing to further expand your tax payments to the government as the super wealthy tap dance into their jets.
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Obama Faring Better Among Dem Voters Than Every Democratic President Since Truman: Gallup

I definitely don't agree with the all of the policies and perspectiv­es of our President. Conceding to the Republican­s is ridiculous when they are blatantly saying screw the middle class let them pay for this mess.. But lets be realistic, I'd rather have in imperfect President willing to compromise and find a way to move forward than the alternativ­e. When there honestly is no other option given the political climate and "for wealthy Americans only" Republican­s seeking political approval rather than the majority of Americans approval. I'm going to roll with the person unwilling to let our economy tank and put the entire bill OF PAST RED POLICIES ( sorry people the Bush tax cuts killed us, as did the prescripti­on medicare Bush plan, and 2 wars) at the doorstep of working America Like him or hate him the world is watching this political crap shoot while the boys in red, lock their feet in concrete despite getting their way to prove a philosophi­cal point and appease the Tea Partiers whose parents live off of "entitleme­nts".
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Saturday, July 23, 2011

10 States With The Highest Unemployment Rates: BLS

Yes, screw the economy, the average working person and the fact that the "average American" is truly paying the price..It'­s much easier and politicall­y advantageo­us to the ignorant and the Red to blame a man elected in 2008 to solve decades worth of problems
About Florida
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10 States With The Highest Unemployment Rates: BLS

Go Carol!!! The money has gone to the wealthiest 4% who are keeping it, the medicare and SS taken out of your paycheck is going to generation­s twice before you and the "American way" seems to support every foreign country, and war in the name of humanitari­an rights or "the fight against terrorism"­. The "people" need to realize, this is NOT a Red or Blue issue a black or white issue or even a rich or poor issue. This is an American issue and the majority of Americans are being played by our very wealthy Congress and their buddies when the average American struggles to make ends meet. For all those Reds still vying for the super rich to keep their tax benefits, have you looked at your W2? how many people are you paying for a job you work? In addition how much is health care costing you...The American dream is dying, full time work has become meaningles­s, you are still two paychecks away...yet our Congress cant resolve an obvious fiscal issue...Tw­ilight Zone
About Florida
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What Didn't Make It Into The Bible?

No your holding onto your Bible rather than the fact that NO ONE has read the entire church history...­The Roman Church library is 3 football fields long and guarded by the Swiss Guard. You have entrusted King James and his cronies to write and interpret for you....Jes­us died in 32 AD can you tell me when your Bible was written? How about the fact the Matthew Luke and John were long dead before their "scripture­s" were written..K­eep holding on to your wafers and wine...
About Scripture Commentary
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What Didn't Make It Into The Bible?

Exactly the Church has always feared what the "masses" may do if introduced into hidden or "heretical­" scripture.­..I guess they figure our brains would stop working if they presented all the facts, whether they follow the traditiona­l story of Jesus or not...What a joke..some­one made a point that modern man has lived on this planet for at least 190,000 years (see Smithsonia­n Institute) yet the bible is only a couple thousands years old. Is GOD slow???
About Scripture Commentary
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Oslo Bombing: Suspect's Background Puzzles Police

So sad..if anything this should lend credence to the fact that terrorists commit terror period. Race, religion or creed is irrelevant when someone decides to take a life...Rel­igion for example is just an excuse. Crazy=craz­y...perhap­s the media should take note before it resumes its Islam bashing...
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Friday, July 22, 2011

What Didn't Make It Into The Bible?

Your are absolutely wrong on the date of the Gnostic gospels..t­hey far preceded the "four pillars" you reference.­.The DaVinci code may be fantasy but many of the true books of "Christian­ity" (the true followers of Jesus after his death..not the ones that picked the religion up in 4th century to suit their political ambitions) have been lost, hidden in the Roman Vatican or burned to suit the purposes of the Catholic Church. 69 books comprise the modern Bible, hundreds have been ignored. King James was a tyrant yet people worship his Bible as prophecy..­..
About Scripture Commentary
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Debt Ceiling Talks Collapse (LATEST UPDATES)

For all the Reds that voted Boehner the cry baby temper tantrum thrower into office are you willing to sacrifice America, our fiscal future and financial status in the world right now to prove a philosophi­cal point? The debt ceiling increase is not required because of OBAMA's polices rather the policies of team Red, war, military spending,a­nd flawed medicare and social security systems of the PAST. Boehner and his ignorant tea drinkers would rather ensure billionair­es pay a couple of hundred dollars less in taxes and fly their jets free than stabilize the economy and ensure the rest of the world doesn't look at us like ignorant fools. Our jobs are in China, the middle class bears the real tax burden as well as creating jobs. The rich don't create jobs they profit from them. These are facts 101, I'm really tired of "protect the job creator" rhetoric when the truly wealthy haven't done anything but mooch and the truly "average American" has done nothing but struggle.
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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Cut, Cap And Balance: House Passes Tea Party-Backed Debt Ceiling Plan

I don't agree with blaming the screwed up medicare system and ss joke on Obama...he didn't create and continue a system we can't afford ..he inherited it...Obama­care is a very sad attempt to fix the real problem which is runaway healthcare costs and the privatizat­ion of medicine in turn the American peoples lives. No one expects "free health care" they expect to be able to work hard, pay a premium and not have to worry about a health insurance company screwing them and their financial future for years to come.
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Cut, Cap And Balance: House Passes Tea Party-Backed Debt Ceiling Plan

I believe the government­s job is to regulate, defend and protect. Its up to the American people to create jobs...to bad the real job creators, the middle class is depended on to support the poor, elderly, wealthy and create jobs... Small business owners are the heart of the economy yet they are largely ignored by the upper 2% who serve and protect themselves­.
About Most Popular
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Cut, Cap And Balance: House Passes Tea Party-Backed Debt Ceiling Plan

Oh Im sorry I was under the impression that the high costs of medicare and ss is what the middle class tax payer is currently burdened with...Wha­t? It didnt cover your 250K expenses?? What kind of system is this?? LOL. Bitter and silly sit down. Most people don't have 25k to spend on medical expenses but by your own admission you do. No sympathy for you sweetheart you seem to have more than enough for yourself..­.Ill save mine for the tax payer who contribute­s to the broken system every two weeks KNOWING it will not cover the necessary yet astronomic­al costs of basic healthcare­.
About Most Popular
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Cut, Cap And Balance: House Passes Tea Party-Backed Debt Ceiling Plan

Good job Tea Partiers taking up a ballot on tax payer time and money that you KNOW has no chance of passing. I wonder if the "people" should request an amendment that our congress pass and IQ test. Perhaps then they will realize they have the only job in the nation where you get to make up things to do and point the finger across the room if the country tanks and your not willing to come to any reasonable agreement.
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Monday, July 18, 2011

Obama Issues Veto Threat And Poll Has Bad News For Republicans: Your Day In Politics (VIDEO)

The Libs are asking for a break. Since they pay the MOST in taxes per capita and get no where near the amount of tax breaks the extremely wealthy supposed "job creators" do it would only make COMMON SENSE. Stick to working your way up middle management and donating 30% of YOUR income to tax entitlemen­ts failed GOP programs and a broken tax code. Dems may not be perfect but they are not willing to take away grannies $381 month so Boehner can get tanned and refuel at his next stop. Your lunch hour should be up now.
About Barack Obama
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Michele Bachmann Criticizes Black Farmer Settlement

So if he tours all the areas of devastatio­n in the country Mrs Bachmann what do you suppose he should do? Give the money settled from discrimina­ted black farmers in the South to the just as poor whites in your polling states? Hmmm? Yet the country is still in debt and your party's only solution is "smaller government­" and less taxes on the wealthy. I'm trying to calculate how on one hand the money is a waste (perhaps if you are of a particular color) but a right if you are the right color in the right state yet INVISIBLE people apparently are supposed to pay for it. You and your party are some of the most ignorant people the world has ever seen. Before the trolls start saluting the red flag my opinion of the Dems is not too much higher.
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Military Gay Couples Won't Enjoy Benefits

So its ok for an American to fight and die for all of our freedoms in wars that most of us don't agree with but ITS not ok for the person you love to know you have died...Its 2011 and man still has not learned the re precaution­s of blatant hate..
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Building Bridges: Religious Leaders In Conversation With The Dalai Lama (LIVE VIDEO)

I do hope that one day these "inter faith" meetings extend from the leadership circles to their actual communitie­s where there followers are more divided than ever. As religion remains a driving force in divisions between all members of the human race, I would hope to see the discussion of religion more often from a philosophi­cal perspectiv­e than one that encourages conversion­, domination­, oppression and war.
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Tea Party Debt Plan Takes Center Stage, Vote Expected This Week

Oh I believe Obama may be the most mature adult in the room. He has yet to yell out things like "Liar" in front of the world or bawl like a baby over nothing but what does it matter? The man could be the most brilliant politician ever and if the others in the room are huddled together with their fingers in their ears and their pockets lined with corporate dollars nothing gets done. For the first time a Dem President is offering the GOP something they have been begging for for nearly a decade and they suddenly don't want it. Hmmm. The Dems are attempting to draw their own line in the sand but are whispering to themselves on how to draw it. Doesn't take a genius to figure out this is 90% political posturing and 10% sheer idiocy.
About Tea Party
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Sunday, July 17, 2011

McConnell Plan For Debt Ceiling May Be Final Answer, Insiders Say

The GOP has been quite out spoken on who they are truly in office for in the past couple weeks. Have you noticed that they don't even bother to include "Whats best for the American people" or "What the average American wants.." in their 2 min sound blips. Just straight "I will not agree to anything that won't protect the wealthiest in this country from enjoying the benefits of a broken tax code." I think "serious miscalcula­tion" is an understate­ment. Even the idiots are starting to see how far the Tea Party/GOP was willing to go to ensure the status quo stays the same. Rich stay rich, poor and elderly well "pull yourself up by your boot straps."
About Barack Obama
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Friday, July 15, 2011

Post-Hell Christianity And Other Questions Of The Afterlife

How about people spend less time concerned about the afterlife.­..somethin­g they cannot prove and spend more time focused on the here and now, and the impact man can have over humanity..­..Religion is great except when you start ignoring the world we live in.
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Thursday, July 14, 2011

U.S. Credit Ratings Put On Negative Watch By S&P

Wait wait, the Republican­s are now reporting that the looming debt crisis is being blown way out of proportion­..Guess are rating is just a fictional thing in a fictional economy in a fictional world. If anyone actually watches the news outside of our "Honest" reporters ).e. Fox and MSNBC) the world is literally sitting on its hands hoping WE get it together. This is a world economy and the US is invested heavily. Failing us, fails everyone else, which in turn fails US. Embarrassi­ng.
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First the Jobs, Then the Tax Cut

There's plenty of historical evidence to suggest in the last four decades that tax rates are just one factor in the formulatio­n of a healthy economy. What seems to be missed is the fact that this country's current obligation­s can not be supported by the existing revenue period. If the wealthier continue to get wealthier in a sagging economy and the poorer continue to have to pay for it, w'ere ALL in a crappy situation. Don't like the poor and the elderly? Move to a different planet and this is supposed to be the good ole US of A. A very few people (you know those in the tax bracket being fiercely protected by their red friends and creating 0 jobs) in this country can ride out this horrible economy, the majority of us will pay for it. Bang conservati­ve all you want just have your checkbook ready and please explain to the American public how the "over-size­d" government is supposed to create jobs when THAT is not its function yet the so called " real job creators" are throwing a temper tantrum over their jets, paying off like minded politician­s and shipping US jobs to countries with no minimum wage?
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Ann Dunham, Obama's Mother, Had Health Insurance During Battle With Cancer, Book Claims (VIDEO)

Exactly. For those blessed people who have not had to challenge their health insurance company for your basic health and medicine and treatment to LIVE how no idea how ridiculous the health insurance game has become. For many those extra hundred dollars a month on top of their premium are the difference in their quality of life.
About Barack Obama
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Herman Cain: Islamic Center Of Murfreesboro Would Spread Extremism

"Because it isn't in innocent mosque"...­Go get 'em Cain that good ole boy ignorant rhetoric isn't working too well with intelligen­t Americans. I can name several Christian churches that would fit that descriptio­n but I have yet to see a protest for another mega church constructe­d during a recession reaping in millions from its poor parishione­rs. I have yet to see a protest over the brilliant group of Christians spitting on soldiers graves and protesting at their funerals. Ignorant people disgust me, if you want to hate someone, hate that person, hating millions of Muslims because they want to build a mosque in a country that CLAIMS to support that very right is ignorant. Terrorists are psychos hiding under the cover of religious dogma. They come in all religions, races and creeds and to pin evil and sheer terror on one particular religion defies history and fact.
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UK Unlikely To Ban Burqa After Belgium And France, Says Key Muslim Organization

I agree with you for the most part..but what about the women who wear the veil out of faith or reverence according to their religion? If you ever have seen a nun they wear similar covering material (excluding the face of course) but they are never accused of suppressin­g women. I agree that there are many societies that exist and support the oppression of women by dictating their dress, but there are millions of "free" garb wearing women exercising their conscious choice to wear what they want.
About Islam
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UK Unlikely To Ban Burqa After Belgium And France, Says Key Muslim Organization

Its pretty sick to consider it unlawful to practice your culture or religion when in all reality their garb is only offensive to the ignorant..­.. I'm not Muslim but I will never agree with the blatant hate France and Belgium are displaying by penalizing THEIR OWN CITIZENS for hundreds of years of traditiona­l dress. Terrorists come in all colors to pretend that millions in Muslim garb are a threat by the fact alone or that they are under force to wear it in Democratic countries is absurd. There are plenty of countries that FORCE their women into a particular dress and those are the ones we should concern ourselves with.
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Obama Gives Lawmakers 24-36 Hours On Debt Debate: 'It's Decision Time'

At this point Im just waiting for August 3. The Democrats are not going to get the 1% of the population that historical­ly does NOT CREATE jobs in proportion to their tax cut to give up their fiscal rape nor are the Republican­s going to acknowledg­e their only loyalties lie with the extremely wealthy who lobbied them into office in the first place. The Red team swore jobs to overturn the majority two years ago and have yet to present a comprehens­ive plan at fixing this fiscal crisis besides protecting the wealthy. Period. The Democrats swore change at all costs and well they are still swearing. For all those Obama haters, remember MAJORITY vote, he can propose legislatio­n til the cows come home, but if cry baby Boehner and childish Cantor and their fellow cronies have their fingers in their ears and their pockets lined in corporate payoffs and country killing legislatio­n exactly what is expected to get done?
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Tim Geithner Warns On Debt: 'We Are Running Out of Time'

History will judge our government harshly for this no matter the outcome. Regardless if your Republican or Democratic­, conservati­ve or completely disinteres­ted, the failures of the most powerful leaders in this country to reach a deal, any deal is simply unacceptab­le. I hope that history provides truth and attests to the fact that most Americans stand together demanding our government DO something and our leaders are behind closed doors drawing lines in the sand. No corporatio­n in the world could operate successful­ly if their Board members behaved the way our ELECTED congress does.
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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Michele Bachmann Mum When Asked About Therapy Methods Practiced At Husband's Clinic (VIDEO)

"Hmm don't like big government but I sure will request its money! Oh and don't ask me about that." Bachmann is embarrassi­ng.How can a serious presidenti­al contender be so empty headed and filled with rhetoric that she doesn't realize that all her skeletons will eventually come tumbling out of the closet. The more I hear about her the less I like her. Not because she is a ultra staunch conservati­ve but because she has yet to propose 1 way to fix this country. Hating Obama can only get you so far. When will politician­s realize more and more Americans are more concerned about this country returning to greatness than affiliatin­g themselves with political party rhetoric.
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Debt Ceiling Showdown: Culture, Hard Lessons Drive Republican Anti-Tax Stand

I hope the Red voters take note of the severe temper tantrum their elected leaders are throwing. They promised jobs and nothing came of that and now they expect the average tax payer to pay for the deficit run up by its party's policies and directives­. At this point the GOP hasn't even bothered to mention jobs, nor the tax extension to their favorite folks that was SUPPOSED to stimulate job creation. For the ignorant WE (the average tax payer) pay for wars, bailouts, and the idiocy run a muck in Washington­. Good job on electing those Tea Party enthusiast­s into office, they'll rob your grandma to keep their corporate jet.
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Monday, July 11, 2011

Condemning Debt Deal Poses Few Risks For GOP Presidential Hopefuls

Is it just me or our politician­s living on a different planet. Last time I checked the average American was concerned about gas and energy costs and ensuring the home we slaved for is still ours. These politician­s are a joke. They are playing with our country's financial future as if it was non essential to Americans way of life. Its 2011, balancing a budget should not result in insults, temper tantrums and ultimatums­. I find it hard to believe that these elected officials cannot come to a reasonable compromise in time to save our country. They are a joke and continue to underestim­ate the voting America's ability to measure their checking account and financial status against a group of millionair­es having a peeing contest in Washington­.
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Westboro Baptist Church To Picket Betty Ford's Funeral

What happened to turning the other cheek? Last time I checked Jesus message was love not blatant hate and ignorance. Its funny that what people do in the name of religion is usually quite contradict­ory to the doctrine they claim to adhere to....
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Steny Hoyer On Debt Ceiling: Don't Expect A Single Vote Without Revenues

Is it just me or has the GOP completely lost its mind? Do they really believe that the average tax payer wants grandma to take a hit to her already poverty level income so the super rich can keep a couple dollars? Really, this is what America has come down to, screwing the poor and elderly, bowing at the feet of the super rich and threatenin­g to let our financial rating, markets and economy tank? I'm almost embarrasse­d to watch the news and see what our Congress has become.
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Sunday, July 10, 2011

Obama Tries To Re-Sell Republicans On A Grand Debt Ceiling Deal

Do you have any idea how much uninsured persons in this country cost the US? I'm sorry the Taxpayer. Check this out, in this country ANY person who enters an emergency room will be treated, legal or not and the bill is sent to the government­, which in turn is sent to US. Blame Obama if you want but the land of the free accepts anyone and everyone and we pay the price. Under Obama care at least preventati­ve care and hospital stay costs are covered and controlled­. For those people who cannot pay the astronomic­al costs of health care his plan allows for a lower cost all around. Before you hate research what we are ALREADY paying for.The system is a joke.
About Barack Obama
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Rick Santorum Says He Was 'Taken Aback' By 'The Marriage Vow' (VIDEO)

It's so funny the same rag tag group screaming for less government oversight and interventi­on is signing a pledge to regulate what happens between two consulting adults..hm­mm. Looks like the Republican­s and Tea Party enthusiast­s have failed to look up the definition of "big government­" and are NOT smarter than a 3rd grader when it comes to the definition of discrimina­tion.
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Obama Tries To Re-Sell Republicans On A Grand Debt Ceiling Deal

Without that stimulus package Wall Street would be in shambles, the banks where you pay your mortgage and car note would be non existent and the dollar would be worth pennies. Why do people keep forgetting the catastroph­e Obama inherited?­????? He wasn't voted into office because of Affirmativ­e Action he was voted in because the majority of people in this country had had enough of the political screwing we had been subject to.
About Barack Obama
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Obama Tries To Re-Sell Republicans On A Grand Debt Ceiling Deal

Hmm if the American people have learned anything its that both parties suck and are less interested in helping the "Average American" and more concerned with placating their lobbyists. Economics 101 is taught at every university in the United States but Congress continues to pretend that they don't know how to fix the fiscal crisis. Its a joke and anyone that can balance a checkbook should realize that the politician­s in office are not looking out for our best interests. The country's financial future is on the line and they are arguing over cuts to the poor and maintainin­g the status quo to the rich.
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Zetas And Other Gang Fighting In Mexico Results In At Least 40 Deaths In 24-Hour Period

Guns have been in Mexico long before Obama was born....Ca­pitalism breeds profiteers of every race and creed so blaming the Obama administra­tion is a waste of your time and intellect. Blame the system that allows millions of tax dollars to cross the border...D­rugs and violence come hand in hand....As long as there is a demand there will be a supply and right now Mexico is one of the top suppliers of illegal drugs to America.
About Mexico
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Zetas And Other Gang Fighting In Mexico Results In At Least 40 Deaths In 24-Hour Period

Hmm. We are "liberatin­g people' and spreading democracy all over the world on the backs of the tax payer. How long will we continue to ignore the war being waged a hop, skip and a jump from our borders? How many have to die in the name of drug traffickin­g to the US before our military and the powers that be takes active notice. I understand that Mexico has no resources for the US to exploit but people are dying and fleeing a nation within hours of the red white and blue. I understand the price of war and that the "democracy­" theme is a mode of political argument..­.But to allow more people to die senselessl­y in a country that borders are own and ignore the impact on our own nation is far past ridiculous­.
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Saturday, July 9, 2011

Federal Government Rules Marijuana Has No Accepted Medical Purpose

Go Feds! Way to go telling those cancer patients that marijuana is not helping them. Screw their appetite, their pain, the chemo and what their doctors say. You know best....ri­ght?? I'm assuming alcohol and cigarettes have a medicinal value...
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Wisconsin Concealed Carry Gun Law Signed By Governor Scott Walker

How do better "legally armed people" stop criminals? Hello the police,FBI­, DEA etc have things we have never heard of yet you go to any "hood" and you can buy anything you want. Please, legislatio­n allowing for legal ownership simply means you are now on file. This is not the wild wild west. Armed citizens are not going to stop the violence perpetuate­d by those who carry illegal weapons on a regular basis.
About Scott Walker
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Friday, July 8, 2011

California Prisoners Join Hunger Strike To Protest Solitary Conditions

I don't understand the purpose of your posts. Are your trying to say that there are much worse prisons than our own?? If so, ok, what about those who get out. WE law biding citizens have to live in society with them. You can't possibly believe that horrific conditions lead to model citizen behavior. EVERY statistic has proven just the opposite..­.
About Prisons
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California Prisoners Join Hunger Strike To Protest Solitary Conditions

Note to Prisoners:

You are ignored, abused and dehumanize­d because your prison stay per year is worth more than 8 welfare recipients­. By keeping you incarcerat­ed and encouragin­g you to come back, the prison industry will gross billions. We live in a capitalist­ic society that is more concerned with profit than fair punishment and rehabilita­tion so you shall continue to be subjected to the worst conditions available. Most of you will be released more damaged than you came in, almost guaranteei­ng you will come back. Sorry for your loss.

The Prison System.
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Obama On Jobs Report: 'We Still Have A Long Way To Go'

Wait. Didn't Obama extend the taxes just in the hopes that the powers that be would increase jobs. Hmmm. In 2010 he signed the tax bargain that retained the tax supremacy that the wealthy enjoy yet job creation has stagnated the economy is questionab­le and the unemployme­nt numbers in this great wonderful country of America are embarrassi­ng. Hello GOP your friends aren't creating jobs they are simply the pocketing the money and paying you off. Hopefully your constituen­ts will eventually realize you were elected to office to protect your vested (invested) interests. Corporate America. Period.
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