About Me

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My name is Adesina "Nina" Davis and welcome to my blog. I am CEO of Sina Davis LLC and run several companies including Simply Tasteful Catering & Entertainment. I do my best to enjoy life to the fullest and urge everyone I know to do the same. Change only comes when you do something about it. Let's just say I am doing a lot!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Bin Laden's Death Gives Markets Boost Of Optimism, Eases Fear Of Recession (UPDATE)

It seems that there is nothing President Obama can do to satisfy some of the lunatics in the world. I am not saying that all Republican­s are crazy (I agree with many of their philosophi­es) but the blatant hate towards the man from certain members of the GOP and News Media Right Wingers is ridiculous­. Oh and for those bitter commentato­rs that claim to hate him for reasons other than his color...pl­ease at least come up with criticisms based in reality. When he took hold of this country it was falling apart from the DOW to the housing market and now? Hmmm lets see I believe the DOW is back up, we have universal health care, Wall Street is back in the profit business, the housing crisis is turned around, unemployme­nt rates are on the decline, Bin Laden is dead.... I'd say not bad for 3 years. It certainly took decades to create the mess the President took on why can't the bleeding heart right wingers try humility and truth?
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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