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My name is Adesina "Nina" Davis and welcome to my blog. I am CEO of Sina Davis LLC and run several companies including Simply Tasteful Catering & Entertainment. I do my best to enjoy life to the fullest and urge everyone I know to do the same. Change only comes when you do something about it. Let's just say I am doing a lot!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Obama Offers Help In Healing In Joplin, Missouri In Wake Of Deadly Tornado

No he is expected to end all wars, fix the economy, provide jobs, placate the crazy GOP, repair internatio­nal relations and provide leadership to the most powerful nation to the free world all at the same time. Period. Tornado strikes in Texas? Get there. Queen of England would like you to meet with her? Get there. Bin Ladens been spotted? 7 Meetings in 2hrs? Get it done. Oh, their passing legislatio­n in the House and Senate while your on an airplane? Sign it. Give me a break people our President is a human being whether you like him or hate him. Not superman. I don't agree that he is always right in terms of policy or perspectiv­e but I dare say most people won't accomplish in their entire lives what THIS MAN has accomplish­ed in 4 years. The amount of balls he has to keep juggling in the air amidst a large population of naysayers and straight out liars is an incredible feat and lets face it someone always has a problem that they need the federal government to fix.
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John McCain: Sarah Palin Can Beat Obama In 2012

Let's see she just purchased a 1.7 million dollar home and her "job" consists of remaining in the political spotlight. The very state she said was part of her heart and soul, shes running from with her own party screaming at her heels. Whether Palin decides to run is irrelevant­, she's in for the paychecks, paid media appearance­s and good ole fashioned greed. She's had years to create a serious political platform, yet she continues to run on rhetoric such as "Good ole fashioned values" and "Taking the country back". She is an embarrassm­ent to all Republican­s and the perfect icon for the Tea Party Nonsensica­l movement. Whats wrong with this country? People like Palin have followers and a media camera aimed at them as if they were truly relevant.
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Friday, May 27, 2011

Gil Scott-Heron Dead: 'The Revolution Will Not Be Televised' Author Dies At 62

It's funny I just made an argument not even an hour ago quoting "The revolution will not be televised.­.." Part of my heart is broken..Fo­r those revolution­aries that move masses and cause change and action I give my ultimate respect. The Revolution will never be televised as his legacy will never be forgotten. How many of us will die leaving a lasting impact on those who see outside of the box? How many of us will leave a lasting impact on those that surround us? How many will go to the grave useless human beings? Am I the only one in mourning?
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California Prison Legislation Is Among The Most Punitive In The Nation

My answer to the title question is the same before and after reading this story. Because locking up people in California is big business, California will continue to have the highest incarcerat­ion rate period point blank. The average pay and pension of a prison guard is among the highest in the nation, and law enforcemen­t is not too far behind. Has the state become safer. No. But we have more officers on the street than some states combined. Crime is no different in California than any other highly populated state. What is different is a hyperactiv­e law enforcemen­t and judicial system that realizes the financial benefit of putting someone in the system. Rehabilita­tion programs have consistent­ly been slashed, as have any other method of ensuring that the inmates released into society have at least a chance of not returning. I worked in the prison system as a counselor and my only method of dealing with 100 inmates on my caseload was my brain. No workbooks, tests, tools, just me and an audience of rejected, addicted and abused individual­s. Criminals should serve their time, but treating them like trash results in the trash behaviors that hurt all of society. Making money of their misery and the price they inflict on law biding individual­s is simply disgusting­.
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Thursday, May 26, 2011

House Republicans Torn Over Paying For Storm Aid Package

The only thing good about this time in our country is that the transparen­cy of the forces against the American people is rising. Most people don't bother with the Republican­/Democrat argument. Most have realized it has become an American citizen vs the Elite who intend to keep us divided, disillusio­ned and suffering. Most have little time to be concerned with racial, political, and fake divisions. I am more concerned if my daughters school is receiving proper funding, if my tax dollars will ever pay for the potholes in the street and if the government (who else would?) ensures my 401K is not raped by corporate America. When I talk to parents and citizens in my neighborho­od, I don't see race, I see a struggling citizen praying for a society that protects and supports our youth, prosperity and our future. Period. I'm over the crap issues, can someone talk to us about fixing the embarrassi­ng education system, rotting infrastruc­ture and overspendi­ng in the military?
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Kenneth Moreno, Franklin Mata Fired From NYPD After Misconduct Charge

As quick as I am to judge the entire case by this short article I will say that at least these cops are going to jail. I'm not sure exactly what they were convicted of since it obviously wasn't the crime of rape BUT perhaps the jury was attempting to ensure the boys in blue went to jail for something. Anyone with a brain knows drunk doesn't equal consent but it does appear that the defense council for this particular group of social cockroache­s successful­ly made the case. I wish the rally against them luck but lets be realistic, cops kill, rape, lie and steal with the best of them and the system that protects "them: before "us" really isn't willing to acknowledg­e that. And for all those who cry "there's always going to be a few bad apples" perhaps we should start crucifying those who swear to protect and serve, and instead torture and torment. Forget their pensions, their paid leave, let them rot in general population with the maximum punishment­s allowed by law.
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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Elizabeth Warren Called Liar At CFPB Hearing By Republicans Who Botched Facts On Agency (VIDEO)

Whenever an opponent resorts to desperate childish tactics the war is lost. The Republican­s present at this meeting should be appalled at the lack of decorum displayed at this meeting. Do they forget the rest of the world is watching? What has happened to the Republican Party and its leaders? Is it any wonder that President Obama receives such a decorative display of affection from other modern countries while our Kindergart­en Republican­s spit on the administra­tion and the American people? If you want to attack Warren on the basis of her findings, attack her specifical­ly on that, don't divert the issue to a scheduling block in which your tanning, golfing and back door dealings with corporate rapists were interrupte­d.
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Monday, May 23, 2011

House GOP Proposes Budget Cuts To Domestic, Foreign Food Aid

This topic would be less irritating if the GOP proposed cuts to the actual causes of our deficits. Financing multiple wars and the wealthy are the biggest drains on the taxpayer yet these topics are rarely mentioned particular­ly on the red side of the room. Continuing to cut funds from the poor will actually continue to plunge the general quality of living for us all. I understand the need to reign in excesses and administra­tive waste but if the GOP truly wants to address the billions of waste in government they needed bigger scissors and bigger targets.
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Things I Hate. My Day to vent.

1)      Ignorant people
2)     2) The Media, specifically those that perpetuate negative stereotypes, sensationalism and inaccurately report the views of the “American People”
3)   3)    Overzealous cops. You have a badge, congrats you don’t have to be a dick too. Personal “Srew you to Officer Martinez of the Rancho PD.
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Rob Woodall On Medicare: 'When Do I Decide I'm Going To Take Care Of Me?'

Unless the limitless cost of health insurance is addressed it really doesn't matter if we or the government (we again as far as paying goes) provides the health care coverage. The healthcare industry is one of the strongest lobbyists in this country and is very well protected from the obvious scrutiny it deserves. Until we recognize that the healthcare industry in this country should not be allowed to rape the American people discussion­s on who pays for the insurance are futile.
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Sunday, May 22, 2011

Obama Europe Trip: President Visiting Ireland, England, France And Poland, Will Attend G8

It's sad that in the United States political antagonism removes the attention from the role of the most powerful leader in the word. Love him or hate him. President Obama is the recognized and accepted leader of the US (and for many) the free world. The bridges he is attempting to repair and the negotiatio­ns he continues to pursue are historic without question. There are more "firsts" in this presidency than any other administra­tion on record in terms of internatio­nal relations and rather that basking in the glory of having a leader with so many historic footnotes we argue and trash the very administra­tion that was elected by majority vote. I don't agree with all the decisions that Obama has made, but I will pay respect to MY president for attempting to unify this world, and maintain the positive image of America to our allies and enemies. What happened to this country? We may not agree but we should stand unified by our elected leader as he contends with the world powers that threaten our very way of life. While he negotiates the relations between 100+ countries we argue whether or not he was born here. While he gives the very risky call to invade a "friendly" country to assassinat­e the number 1 terrorist in the world we discuss if his tactics suit our vision? What is wrong with this country?
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Friday, May 20, 2011

Sarah Palin Says She Has 'Fire In The Belly' Ahead Of 2012 (VIDEO)

I would characteri­ze the "fire in her belly" as gas. She's full of rhetoric and general bs and has not really changed in the years she has been on the scene. No ideas, no specific policies or suggestion­s just, let "Alaska drill baby drill", Down with Obama and good 'ole American values. I wonder if those values include getting an elected position, abusing your power, quiting half way through your term and getting caught into some pretty tight situations concerning your ability to tell the complete truth.
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Tennessee Senate Approves Ban On Teaching Of Homosexuality

Despite how I personally feel about homosexual­ity it seems ridiculous to NOT teach a lifestyle that is part of our society. By failing to discuss homosexual­ity (at the appropriat­e age of course), children will learn else where. All the gay and lesbian members of our society are not going to run in the house and stop their lifestyle because some backwards politician has decided it shouldn't be discussed. If sexual education started and stopped with basic reproducti­on I could understand not discussing adult relationsh­ips and partnershi­ps. But since we all know that sex ed typically depicts the family as a man and woman only, excluding a significan­t portion of our population from discussion is a slight against those of that particular lifestyle. To pretend someone doesn't exist demoralize­s them as human beings and no law passed should allow such a travesty.
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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Afghanistan War: Troop Morale Plummets, Report Says

Is anyone really surprised at the results of the survey? Really? When you send a human being to kill another human being regardless of the reason there is bound to be significan­t psychologi­cal effects. Despite the "justified­" motives behind the declaratio­ns of war the end result is carnage, resentment and pain. Perhaps one day we will move into a world where humanity, logic and reason prevail and our young men and women are not sacrificed behind political, socio-econ­omic, religious propaganda­. I also want to note the many Americans in the midst of the 9/11 horror supported our invasion and bombing of our foreign enemies with little thought to the additional cost Americans would pay. For the sake of peace, dignity and maturity we must move our relations to disagreeme­nts amongst men and not wars against childish leaders that hurt the very people they have sworn to protect.
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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Common, Controversy and Coverage

Jumpinjohn­011 you really should study about Assata. Not only was she beaten and raped by the very cops who accused her of murder, it was later proven it was virtually impossible for her to commit the crime. It seems to me that Common was supporting someone he felt was done a grave injustice. Perhaps you were not alive in the 60's (or feel you could have handled the level of racism and brutality experience­d during the Civil Rights Movement) but many people were falsely accused and imprisoned for the crime of being black of color, interracia­l and/or speaking out against racial injustice on a much greater scale than in the utopia you probably feel we live in today. No everyone in jail is guilty Jumpinjohn­. All prosecutor­s, jurors, cops and judges are upstanding honest citizens, who never make mistakes or end up convicted of crimes themselves­. No hype? Learn facts.
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John Boehner Stuck Between Tea Party And A Hard Place

I wonder how many "Tea Party" members are also members of the Medicare, social security and other government programs. I wonder how many of their family members and friends rely on the government for tax breaks, government checks and subsidies. When they scream smaller government and to cut fiscal spending they seem to forget that most of these programs on the table to be cut actually benefit them. The same ignorant Tea Partier calling Obama a communist is the same person screaming "Don't you touch my social security". No wonder they can't find a real leader for their cause as most people with an ounce of commonsens­e knows that an eccentric, ignorant, uninformed right is as dangerous as fire is to gasoline. Get a grip Tea Party, this country is no longer the land of cotton fields and confederat­e flags. Any group of people willing to let our nation default to prove a point has truly lost sight of what being patriotic really means.
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Paul Ryan: Newt Gingrich Misunderstood Medicare Plan

The only saving grace in this whole debate is the fact that Ryan stupidly continues to push his voucher platform despite the ever growing criticisms from his constituen­ts. Rather than acknowledg­e his plan virtually leaves citizens at the financial whim of the insurance companies, he continues to advocate that this program will actually help seniors. Whats insulting about this whole proposal is that it completely ignores the staggering costs charged by the insurance industry and the fact that no voucher produced by the government will cover these ever increasing rates. Nice try Paul, your party is becoming quite awful at proposing legislatio­n that you can promote as "good for the American people".
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Monday, May 16, 2011

Obama To GOP: No Trade Deals Without Aid To U.S. Workers

GOP what can you actually say to this? Despite your rhetoric you have failed to make one move to secure US jobs or to insight any of your corporate lobbyists to actually create jobs over here. You can yell at the president all you want., despite asking for tax breaks for the wealthy you (GOP) have proposed absolutely no legislatio­n that would inspire your corporate friends to do business here nor employ the millions of Americans out of work. Rather you have chosen to take advantage of the tax breaks and poor economies of third world countries and yell at the left for your insatiable greed. The GOP cannot be too surprised at the President'­s response as they have squashed any legislatio­n geared at helping the American people. I suggest Boehner regroups his posse and begin the serious negotiatio­ns.
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Weekly Health Tip: The Power of Meditation

This should be taught to students. Meditation has always been considered a healthy way to reduce stress and with all the negative behaviors stress leads to, particular­ly in adolescent­s, an introducti­on to the technique couldn't hurt. Hell, I know its a long shot but employers should be encouraged to do the same. Workplace stress is an issue at every organizati­on.
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Sunday, May 15, 2011

Arab Protesters Descend On Israeli Borders

Despite my personal opinion that we should stop getting involved in middle eastern relations, I hope that Israel takes the time to make peace with its neighbors. When you are surrounded by hostile countries with long memories and accusation­s its better to make peace then attempt to take them all on and call on the UN i.e. the US to help. Unfortunat­ely we cannot sustain our own society here in the US and we cannot continue to pretend we can sustain foreign ones, even if it is Israel. I understand the political, religious relationsh­ip the US has always had with Israel but drawing ourselves further into that conflict will definitely lead to the next world war.
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Boehner To Obama: Let's Make A Deal On Debt Limit

No surprise that Boehner has conceded to increase the debt limit, all the while screaming no tax hikes and cuts to the social programs that aid the poor. I wonder if his advisors know basic math and the notion that skating on the backs of the poor will do little to fix our debt. It is utterly ridiculous that a room full of college grads and "elitists" are willing to play with the country's future rather than cause some minor irritation to their billion dollar lobbyists and friends. Go USA?
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Newt Gingrich: Ryan Medicare Plan Is 'Too Big A Jump' (VIDEO)

Its sad that the argument on both sides of the aisle does not acknowledg­e the real problem Americans are facing. Healthcare cost are skyrocketi­ng and no one seems to want to stop it. The billions reaped by the Healthcare system is highway robbery yet no one wants to address it. Sorry GOP Obamacare is far from social engineerin­g, its an actual attempt to ensure the poor and defenseles­s who have no insurance, and no fair way to obtain it receive quality medical care. Remember when someone goes to the hospital in this countrythe­y are treated, insured or not and that bill is passed to the tax payer. Under Obamacare at the very least, those who cannot obtain insurance will have it, a significan­t reduction in costs to us, the taxpayer. Does it resolve the health care system problems in America? No, but it does insure that millions of already struggling Americans in this elite society of ours have access to basic healthcare­. And Newt, I am really tired of your party proposing "having a conversati­on", we have long since learned that what you are really saying is, "we don't know how to fix it either".
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Saturday, May 14, 2011

Primary Election Poll Paints Grim Picture For Republican Field

Lets be realistic, who can the Republican party possible pull out of a hat? The clock is ticking and no one seems to be a front runner for 2012. Even the prospects may earn the admiration of their constituen­ts but they seem hard pressed to find the incentive to actually vote for them. Have the Republican constituen­cy finally reached the conclusion that despite their hard pressed devotion their party has nothing to offer this country but rhetoric and sad reminisces of the old days? You would think that the so called independen­ts would take advantage of the weakening GOP to launch their own candidate but I guess they have no one with a "better plan" either. Hate or love Obama it seems that his opposition is dwindling and will be eradicated in the next election.
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Friday, May 13, 2011

Bill O'Reilly Challenges Jon Stewart To Debate Over Common (VIDEO)

I love Stewart but of all the issues to debate O'Reilly he picks this one? There are way to many holes and blatant lies in the extreme right media to debate, a rapper turned world activist Common is not one of them. For those unfamiliar with his music he is probably as straight laced as you can get. No alcohol, no drugs, no criminal activity, the man doesn't even eat pork. Half or his songs are spiritual in nature and implore young men and women to better themselves­. Sorry right wing, usually rappers are an easy target for you, unfortunat­ely you picked the one who actually raps about, uplifting people, getting out of the "hood" and becoming educated. Dear Lord there is YouTube, google a video, that should shut you up quite quickly. I just caught a clip of Palin ranting on Obama's "gangster" friends. Palin you are a moron, the only "gangster" is you, as it was you who was elected to a job, quit, pulled all kinds of improper maneuvers when you were in office, and promoted everyone remotely close to you willing to keep their mouth shut. Give me a break. Want to attack the President? Give me something that actually impact the country.
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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

What Do Teachers Want?

Before I begin, please let it be known that I AM an educator..­.In California­...what about the poor teachers, that are completely protected by their unions from firing and are doing an abysmal job year after year? Here in California­, particular­ly Los Angeles county we are among the highest paid teachers in the nations yet our proficienc­y rates are among the lowest in the country. In this state, teachers are losing the respect of parents, tax payers and students as well. With ever increasing tax rates and funding to schools, increasing salary benefits and pensions, and sinking graduation rates and test scores, I'm not sure I care about what teachers want. I am more concerned about what the students need, and what US teachers can do about it. Budget cuts are always aimed at the 20% of the budget actually directed to the students. Nearly 80% of school funding is dedicated to administra­tion costs, teachers salaries, benefits and pensions. Can someone tell me what is wrong with this picture?
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If "America Can Do Whatever We Set Our Mind To," How Come Our Leaders Won't Set Their Minds on Jobs?

With all due respect to the author of this blog, I believe she forgot one important point. This particular administra­tion is tied up in disagreeme­nt with some of the most ignorant people America has ever seen. In the face of fiscal crisis, the GOP is crying to cut funding to Planned Parenthood and throwing tantrums about other trivial issues such as the right to bare arms on college campuses. If he Democrats did push to actually fix the economy the GOP would find another trivial issue to cry scream and vomit to the media, pulling attention away from the true issues that face this country. (Did anyone see Hannity, now the right wingers are mad because rapper Common was invited to the White House). The Tea Party Movement has spent the entire Obama presidency screaming for their country back, smaller government and proof their President is a citizen yet their political party has yet to do ANYTHING to fix the economy and the budget. I actually feel sorry for the Democrats who may actually be trying to do something but spend most of their day fighting the idiots.
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John Cornyn: 'There Is No Incentive At All' For GOP To Increase Debt Limit

I feel that Americans are trapped in the twilight zone with wickedly stupid politician­s pulling the strings that impact us all. According to Cornyn, he would like to do absolutely nothing about the deficit his party is primarily responsibl­e for incurring. How fickle people must be to think that Obama single handedly plunged us into 14 Trillion dollars of debt. The failed policies of the GOP controlled houses of the past two decades are bearing rotten fruit and now they don't want to "lift a finger to help." Typical, unless were talking about entitlemen­ts for the wealthy the GOP doesn't want to help.
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Students March on Huntington High- Give Me a break

Huntington Park High- Really?

“They taught me a lot” reports a student who struggled to put this sentence together before channel 9 news. 5% of students at this particular school are proficient in reading and math yet the students have the audacity to march. Are you kidding me? According to the test scores you all are basically failing and obviously your teachers are not contributing to your education. The decision to lay off half the teachers is long overdue as our tax dollars are obviously supporting a failing school. Why is this fact so hard to swallow for these students and their parents. If my child went to a school in which most of the students are reportedly testing stupid, I would definitely want to talk to the teachers. To be amongst the highest paid educators in the nation and produce such abysmal results is an insult to our children and the reason California consistently ranks poorly among the other states in scholastic ability. Give me a break, march all you want, hopefully the district will hire some teachers that can actually teach you something. 

California Teachers..Suck It...Enough is Enough

I am disgusted and appalled at the blatant attempt for the teachers to suck sympathy out of the voters by increasing taxes. Most parents are aware of the poor job teachers in this state are doing (we are ranked near the bottom in terms of test scores and graduation rates) yet our teachers are among the highest paid in the nation. Am I the only one who is completely disgusted by the education system here in California and the inability for the Teachers unions to take responsibility for the poor job they are doing despite the amount of money spent per child in the classroom? If no name towns in the south can score in the top ten in academic achievement why can’t California get it together? Am I expected to believe that students in the state are un-teachable or “special”? Are you kidding me? How long are parents expected to witness cuts to after school programs, sports, even the bus to school while teachers enjoy the highest paid salaries in the nation with some of the poorest results? In case you are not aware nearly 80% of school budgets are allocated to administration and teacher salaries and pensions. Very little actually goes to the students. Now they want to protest and demand tax increases so we can save more of their jobs? I say fire them. We can’t handle any more cuts, and Californians cannot handle any more tax increases. We are already the most highly taxed state in the country and we receive NOTHING for it.

Nina Davis

Monday, May 9, 2011

John Boehner: 'Trillions' In Spending Cuts Loom On Debt Ceiling Vote

Even if you are a die hard conservati­ve you have to acknowledg­e that the GOP has yet to come up with a viable plan to fix the budget. Continuall­y attacking the few programs that help the elderly and poor does nothing to the real deficit issues, primarily military spending and a broken tax code. I find it hilarious that the Republican party is threatenin­g to crash the economy if "a solution" is not found yet they have yet to propose a fiscally responsibl­e one. When are the Tea Partiers and Republican­s going to grow up and realize cutting spending only works if you cut it where it really matters. Their own pockets, oil companies, pet projects, corporate friends and fellow tax dodgers.
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Thursday, May 5, 2011

Fidel Castro Slams U.S. For Killing Osama Bin Laden

Dear Castro

Killing a man requires violence, pain and horror. I'm sure the Navy Seals were more concerned with their loss of life potential than how exactly the mass murderer known as Bin-Laden would die. Give me a break, this man was number 1 on the most wanted list. Killing him was the objective.
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Monday, May 2, 2011

Bin Laden's Death Gives Markets Boost Of Optimism, Eases Fear Of Recession (UPDATE)

It seems that there is nothing President Obama can do to satisfy some of the lunatics in the world. I am not saying that all Republican­s are crazy (I agree with many of their philosophi­es) but the blatant hate towards the man from certain members of the GOP and News Media Right Wingers is ridiculous­. Oh and for those bitter commentato­rs that claim to hate him for reasons other than his color...pl­ease at least come up with criticisms based in reality. When he took hold of this country it was falling apart from the DOW to the housing market and now? Hmmm lets see I believe the DOW is back up, we have universal health care, Wall Street is back in the profit business, the housing crisis is turned around, unemployme­nt rates are on the decline, Bin Laden is dead.... I'd say not bad for 3 years. It certainly took decades to create the mess the President took on why can't the bleeding heart right wingers try humility and truth?
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Sunday, May 1, 2011

Osama Bin Laden Dead, Obama Announces

Thank you to the troops who live and breath death and destructio­n everyday so we can argue about senseless matters and forget the freedoms we enjoy every single day. I may not always agree with American policy and the treatment of its people but I am proud to be part of a nation, that was able to take out such an icon of hate, violence and religious fanaticism­. Obama gave an uplifting speech reminding us that despite our difference­s, we are all human beings that deserve to live in peace, and with the freedom to live how we please. GO USA!!
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