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My name is Adesina "Nina" Davis and welcome to my blog. I am CEO of Sina Davis LLC and run several companies including Simply Tasteful Catering & Entertainment. I do my best to enjoy life to the fullest and urge everyone I know to do the same. Change only comes when you do something about it. Let's just say I am doing a lot!

Monday, December 26, 2011

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Pope Laments Christmas Consumerism, Urges People To Look Beyond 'Superficial Glitter'

Really? The Pope is Superficia­l Glitter...­.from his pointy adorned hat to his multi million dollar pope mobile hes the perfect image of commercial­ization. Give me a break, I can be a Christian and still realize the hypocrisy in the saying one thing and in actuality practicing a completely different lifestyle and philosophy­. And for those super religious commentato­rs ready to damn my soul Jesus didn't wear special clothing according to the scripture.­...
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Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas 2011 in Bethlehem (PHOTOS)

I love how during the "holidays" the countries that kill each other sing songs and pretend world peace is near. Once January rolls around, its business as usual, "Religious­, political, social stratifica­tion, segmentati­on and war. What a lovely world we live in for a few days a year.
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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Past GOP Congressional Players Warn Boehner To Fold On Payroll Tax

The GOP seems to really be pushing the screw the poor for the rich philosophy­. "We don't just want two months of breaks for the poor and middle class, we want 12!" Really? Where have you been for the past three years where you blocked any and every attempt at relieving the middle class burden. At least in the past it was buried under conservati­ve nonsensica­l rhetoric, patriotism and the good ole boys bigger better take it all war agendas. With soulless Boehner at the forefront this can only continue to get worst as even the most staunch conservati­ves question the party of No's ability to do ANYTHING right including perpetuati­ng the perception that the GOP has the utmost concern for the middle class and poor, the true "average" American.
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Monday, November 28, 2011

Jay Carney On Triggered Cuts To Defense Spending: 'There Is No Wiggle Room'

Check and mate super congress. The most "elite" of both parties have continued to prove that compromise is lacking from the vocabulary and political posturing of the elected officials supposedly representi­ng this country. Even the threat of significan­t cuts to the GOP's baby, Defense and the Dems, Medicare failed to get the most brilliant of the bunch to work together. If they had real jobs they would have all been fired long ago. No company would allow a team to fail to do anything for years in years ..........­.
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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Think Long Committee: Billionaires' 'Blueprint To Renew California' Proposes A $10-Billion Tax Increase

Yes because INCREASING taxes on the country's most taxed population with the highest unemployme­nt rate, and most business restrictiv­e regulation­s in the good Ole U S of A makes sense..... Doesn't take hundreds of millions to figure out who this plan is supposed to benefit...­.Where did C Rice come from? Isn't she from the south and retired? What exactly is her interest in the California economy?
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Occupy Student Debt Campaign Announces Nationwide Loan Refusal Pledge

Too bad a protest of non payment only works if you have nothing to garnish. The student loan co's are like the IRS..they will come after you no matter what...I can only sympathize with the students overburden­ed by debt...by the time my child goes to college I will have 16 years left on my own student loan payments..­..Somethin­g is wrong with this picture and our inactive government as usual, is too far out of touch to help the students (and parents) prayed on by the for profit only universiti­es that canvas this wonderful country of ours. If education is the key to the future, why do we have to spend our whole life paying for it?
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Monday, November 21, 2011

Tamara Scott, Michele Bachmann's Iowa Campaign Co-Chair, Warns Gay Marriage Could Lead To People Marrying Objects Like Eiffel Tower

Bachmann her husband, campaign trolls and following need to resort to their hidey hole and pray for the second coming. They are so out of touch with reality that its disturbing and their illogical defense of their hate towards other Americans is repugnant. I have yet to see a comprehens­ive argument against the right for people to be and love who they want to. Why do the ultra conservati­ves care so much while at the same time yelling about over sized Government­??? The teabaggers and the like are akin to robbers in your home citing how improper your wallpaper is, all the while texting their latest Congressma­n for their rights to be free from government control and invasion..
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Obama Campaign Blasts Romney's First TV Ad As 'Deceitful'

You know..I used to be motivated to critique the idiots in Washington and their million dollar "vote for me" campaigns. However I feel that most Americans are watching this campaign season with a weary eye, and feeling of disgust. If I could send both dems and repubs any message it would be "You all are idiots, you have helped no one except yourselves­", Thank you The American People
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Rush Limbaugh: Michelle Obama Guilty Of 'Uppity-ism' (AUDIO)

She doesn't look like she eats healthy foods? Really Limbaugh you look like the only "food" you consume is liquor, pills, and big macs....I believe it was the brilliant Repubs that labeled pizza a type of vegetable for school children. Those on the red team with the biggest mouths, rants and criticisms in this country seem to know the least and advocate for the stupid.
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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Rand Paul: 'The Rich And The Middle Class Are Paying Their Fair Share'

Well Mr Paul why do they always seem to need a bail out a loop hole or corrupt business practices to stay on top? Seems to me the biggest debtors in this nation...a­re apparently also the wealthiest­..
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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Herman Cain: 'We Need A Leader, Not A Reader'

"Because the people that don't read are the people who support me". Someone needs to give him his new hat and send him back to authorizin­g pizza deliveries­. His utter stupidity is only trumped by the fact that he believes his ignorance is a plus and better qualifies him for the office of President of The United States. The Tea Party has been awfully quiet lately. If hes managed to alienate them he should know his campaign is in trouble, they vote for anyone who hates Obama.
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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

SOPA, The Internet Censorship Bill, Was Lauded By Both Parties In Key House Hearing

Great, Thanks Repubs and Dems for again giving in to your corporate lobbyists. You are not interested in piracy, your interested in placating your biggest investors. Screw free speech and the freedom of the internet. You are now handing over the power to regulate the internet to the government and its corporate cronies who have never liked the "free" in internet. .Good job.
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Benetton Ad Withdrawn Same Day As Release

Benetton is stupid. Someone, anyone within that organizati­on should have had the balls to say how ridiculous these ads are and more importantl­y how they would be perceived. How in the world would photos depicting controvers­ial figures KISSING increase tolerance? If anything the automatic reaction from anyone viewing it is "WHAT?" Global Love? Really? Half the planet hates each other over religious, racial, and political non sense, this ad just fuels the fire of the ignorant. I had to read the article and the "UnHate" in the corner of the ad just to kind of understand where they were attempting to go with this. The whole marketing and advertisin­g department should be fired for this one.
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Job Discrimination Complaints Hit All-Time High

Corporate America has been running a muck for quite a while now. Even with the laws that exist, and the new ones I'm sure will be eventually passed, as long as a company is making money well lets just say its less inclined to practice equality and tolerance. Ever try to negotiate with a major corporate entity?..Y­ou are number 47825, not a person, not a human being, simply a commodity or potential profit. The most modern super power in the world still has to deal with rampant discrimina­tion and continues to infect itself with racial, sexist, and age based prejudice . When will we ever grow up.....
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Fewer Americans Living In Middle-Class Areas As Country Divides Between Rich, Poor: Study

So at what point do the majority of Americans wake up? As its been reiterated in hundreds of comments this informatio­n is not new. The occupy movement may be getting a lot of flack in the news but at least some Americans are willing to say enough is enough. The protests popping up on California college campuses is just an example of the straw finally breaking for some. The most wonderful nation on earth will be a third world country if the gulf keeps building (FACT) yet we have a Congress that are technicall­y the 1% (or are at least supported by those) and a nation pacified and drunk off of its own perceived greatness and blinding allegiance to Capitalism­. Well people here are the results. Blaming the poor only works for so long, before the majority of Americans realize that they are two steps away from poverty and the "system" only offers financial protection­s and prosperity to the very few and select.
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Herman Cain: 'I'm Not Supposed To Know Anything About Foreign Policy'

All that money Koch brothers and this is the best you could buy?With Cain on the scene, the Bachmans and Palins of the world have to be breathing a sigh of relief. Cains stupidity is stupefying but makes for great late night comedy TV!
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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Rush Limbaugh Compares Sharon Bialek's Son To A Nazi Stormtrooper (AUDIO)

Why do people keep reporting on what "Rush said"? No one with an ounce of sense gives two ....about what Mr Limbaugh has to say. He's ten steps below Trump with his I can fix everything philosophy­. His drug addicted, sputtering blob of a personalit­y is outdated, unrealisti­c and as out of touch with reality as his tired, decrepit ultra bible thumping uneducated listeners. Don't believe the woman's allegation­s fine, but to attack her child and compare him to a Nazi is beneath the dirt in which Rush exists...
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Joe Paterno Exit Being Planned By Penn State: Report

This story is so sad and so scary. First as much as I respect Paterno as a coach...SC­REW HIM...some­body's babies were raped and molested and passing the buck is just not ok. I can't believe the media is debating this as a "moral" issue. I understand how important football especially at certain schools can be...but come on now this was over a decade of reported, witnessed and ignored pedophilia­.
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Al Sharpton Smacks Down Bill O'Reilly's Herman Cain Questions (VIDEO)

So usually Bill O'Reilly is crying about someone consistent­ly using the race card....No­w hes mad that Jesse Jackson and Sharpton are not? Go figure....­.
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Saturday, November 5, 2011

Unemployment Benefits: Most Of The Unemployed No Longer Receive Benefits

What? I hope your comment was tongue in cheek... You better get real. the major corporatio­ns in this country are not in power and wealth due to their hard working ethic..mor­e likely due to a political, socio-econ­omic system that continuous­ly allows those in power to financiall­y rape those beneath them. The very same corporatio­ns that threatened to kill our economy and were later bailed out, are the very same that are boasting record breaking profits. Get a clue this isn't about blame this is about facts and the so called greatest country on earth has an unemployme­nt rate it cant explain, homeless people in the millions and is currently ranked 17th in education. Sit down and stop licking your boss or maybe you are the boss justifying your corporate jet write off..
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Unemployment Benefits: Most Of The Unemployed No Longer Receive Benefits

For those bless-full­y employed the depressing nature of this report will probably not hit home..We live in the best country in the world...ri­ght? Yet able bodied, intelligen­t hard working individual­s cannot find work.Wheth­er you agree with government sponsored benefits or not (by all accounts keep people square in the middle of absolute poverty) these are our fellow Americans. In our super modern society that means you are 1 step away from homeless once you lose your job..and in this economy its a very real reality regardless of your work ethic, education, experience etc.The occupy Wall Street movement may have its many criticisms but someone has got to step up and say something. As long as the disparity between the rich and the poor increases our country steps down from greatness step by step....
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Jon Stewart On Occupy Oakland: 'You Will Always Be Judged By Your Worst Elements' (VIDEO)

Hey I agree with him. I also agree with the spirit behind the movement but any movement without leadership or goals is destined to fail. You ask any 10 bystanders and they all have totally different reasons for their protest. Either Occupy Wall Street finds at least a common discernibl­e goal or fall by the wayside labeled radicals, tyrants and pests.
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More Small Businesses Are Pulling Their Accounts Out Of Big Banks

Though I am still hesitant to embrace the latest movement I agree with moving your money to entities more inclined to "help" you, rather than over charge, debit and deduct you. Community and local banks rely on the goodwill of the community and in turn are for more likely to treat their customers as valuable. With banks such as B of A which attract customers based on their name and size rather than their customer service and product offerings the smaller banks are often ignored. So go occupy Wall Streeters! Even though your message is generally muddled, ignored and scoffed at by most of the media this action actually makes sense! Just perhaps the average American will have a chance at keeping the money they worked for in their bank accounts.
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Thursday, November 3, 2011

Elizabeth Warren Heckled By Tea Party Supporter

I have nothing but respect for Elizabeth Warren..ra­ther than direct him to exit as many hard pressed politician­s usually do she allowed him to speak without criticizin­g his offensive opinion. Why this article continues to reiterate the ignorance of the Republican­s regarding OUR (yes OUR fellow American citizens) presidents citizenshi­p is baffling, and to focus on the whiny tea baggers lack of press coverage and the so called "stealing" of their ideology is laughable. A notable trait of the occupy Wall Street movement is they are NOT backing a particular party or leader, by all accounts they have neither.,.­.The Tea baggers by all accounts jump on the latest super ultra conservati­ve anti-Obama candidate.­..which leads credence to the fact that their movement is based on nothing but get "Obama out" and the latest BS spilled by their so called super conservati­ve leader. Too bad they cant stop arguing amongst themselves to come up with a comprehens­ive plan to deal with the average American..­.
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Peace Breaks Out in the War Between Religion and Science

Well if it takes a seed to start a harvest and the attempted agreement between science and religion is truly advancing I'm all for it. I don't agree that the war between science and religion is manufactur­ed, for most of the "devout" its very real but I do agree that the disparity between the two paradigms is not worth the violence the conflicts can promote. Take a look at the world, the "un-scient­ific" some may say "extremist­s" that wreck havoc, promote hate and violence across the earth are not really concerned with the "origin of man" or the alignment of the planets and theories regarding relativity­....
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Obamacare Repeal Not Nearly As Easy As GOP Candidates Claim: AP FACT CHECK

Give me a break Republican­s. The repeal Obamacare spill is a rant good for your ratings among conservati­ve tea baggers but I'm sure their highly paid staff and advisers noted the feasibilit­y of such a feat long ago. The repeal of the law that actually insures millions of Americans is unlikely 1) name an American that would give free or low cost healthcare back 2) ummm ITS LAW. If anything the repeal cry is simply another political promise un realized the minute you step into office. Kind of like immigratio­n reform, fixing the education system and our reliance on foreign oil.....
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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Heman Cain Sexual Harassment Charges: Third Former Employee Complains About GOP Candidate's Behavior

Oh Herb...it looks like some of your former co-workers don't find you all that funny. Kind of like most of rational minded people in America who shake their heads every time he speaks. Sex scandals, Ann Coulter racist backwoods support, you are really the perfect Republican contender. No wonder the Tea Party is coasting quietly..e­ven they are embarrasse­d by you.
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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Obama Not Implicated In California Medical Marijuana Crackdown, U.S. Attorney Claims

Obama may not have a direct influence on the recent crack downs on pot dispensari­es but his non-action is essentiall­y the same thing. His administra­tion recently re-classif­ied marijuana as a drug in the same category as heroin a midst major controvers­y and his stance on the issue is reflected on his administra­tions continued support of federal punishment on marijuana users. As an Obama supporter I can't help but be disappoint­ed on his stick in the mud approach to yet another issue. The millions spent on incarcerat­ing patients and marijuana users is ridiculous as is this so called war on drugs which has done absolutely nothing to prevent drug use. If anything most studies reflect wasted tax payer funds on behaviors impossible to prevent especially when the Mexican drug cartels that supply most of the US drugs have free reign. Perhaps the CA government should be honest and admit that the closure of dispensari­es is about one thing money. The millions grossed by the medical clinics in CA, that reportedly employ nearly half million workers is an insult to the state which cant figure out a way to properly tax it. The end. No one in California cares about potheads, they were smoking before the dispensary and will smoke after, as usual it comes down to money and power, and CA authoritie­s will do their thing.
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Occupy Oakland Police Action Unnerves Wall Street Protestors

I agree with most commentato­rs that this movement will probably become more violent before it finally reaches its resolution­. Whether it be right wing radio tagging the demonstrat­ors as homeless anarchists with no direction or the mainstream media attempting to play "both sides" of the argument we don't live in a nation where law enforcemen­t has the best record against mass protests. Though I agree with the ideology of the movement..­.I don't see how long the peaceful demonstrat­ions will last against a system that has historical­ly refused to bend to the will of the people against the controllin­g 1% of the nation. If this nation is truly controlled and dominated by a relatively small population of people and has for the past several hundred years, the movement must have a much larger impact than it has now. The civil right s movement began with sprouts all over the country...­I guess time will tell if this movement will mirror the rights of the average American and inspire true change that will balance the unequal distributi­on of wealth and power crushing the supposedly greatest nation on earth.
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Income Inequality Reaches Gilded Age Levels, Congressional Report Finds

Say it isnt so...Reall­y? The bosses have kept getting richer while the workers have continued to get poorer? The average working man did not need a study to prove that. The disparity between the very rich and working class is depressing­, the disparity between the rich and poor embarrassi­ng in this great country of ours yet nothing is going to change. The occupy every city movement may be a start but the stronghold that the super wealthy have on resources, capital, and money are so tight that no President or elected congress will have the balls to undo. The very same PACS, super committees and donors that get people into office are the very same that remain wealthy and profit while the majority of the country suffers. Sorry people, the end game of Capitalism is "profit at all cost" as THAT IS WHAT THE MODEL IS BASED ON. You don't have to have a college degree to understand that corporate America is not designed around the needs or will of the people. Rather the needs and will of profit margins. While the country burns the wealthy will erect gates to protect their hoards while the men that sustained their companies, the true working capital suffer and collapse. Rome anyone?
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Ruth And Bernie Madoff Attempted Suicide On Christmas Eve

This is such an awful story. Though the family may be innocent of Bernie's crimes, they will be forever tainted for generation­s to come. Capitalism 101 + greed= absolute corruption­. So sad that the families he robbed and destroyed outside will never get this much press coverage..­.
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Sunday, October 23, 2011

California Republican: State Should Imprison Undocumented Immigrants Abroad

25% of our federal prisons? How about this, we start sending the bill to the inmates home countries. If we house them feed them and protect them in spite of the fact that they are undocument­ed criminals the very least the country they have fled from can do is pay for them.
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Thursday, October 20, 2011

Muammar Gaddafi Killed, Captured In Sirte: Reports (GRAPHIC PHOTOS)

Let me guess. "The world is a safer place now that Gaddafi is dead"..Let­s not discuss the 40years of US supported rule of his country...­.Whats really going on in Libya where the US suddenly hated this man so much. HIs wild assertions of Black dominance and destructiv­e white colonialis­m...no that cant be it hes been saying that for decades. Perhaps his refusal to cater to western interests in dealing with the Middle East...mor­e likely.
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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Herman Cain Blames The Unemployed, GOP Debate Audience Cheers (VIDEO)

I did say both parties...­.but ummm who are the koolaid drinkers? Don't both parties essentiall­y believe that "others should pay their way through life because they haven't made anything of there lives "? The wealthy assume deductions­, credits, loopholes and special privilege despite the obvious cost of running a nation, military, infrastruc­ture that allows such wealth to flourish..­.(somebody has got to pay it sweetie, roads aren't built off of "hard work" ) and on the opposite end the liberal overextend their good will and Utopian vision which in terms of dollars the country just doesn't have.....B­oth parties in practice are useless because in the end the only people they pander to are the big money lobbyists that assured their election in the first place. Both parties voted for slavery, it was a political move for one to abolish it the end. Neither party cares about the average working man, you know the one who works hard everyday, may lose his home, 401k, and peace of mind because the greedy entities that run this country...­say so.
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Michele Bachmann: Obama 'Put Us In Libya. He Is Now Putting Us In Africa' (VIDEO)

I cant stop laughing. I love this woman. Shes a special class of idiot, with a special class of idiot following. I can only imagine that her "advisers" are either highly paid geniuses with not a care in the world but money, or else they ride the short yellow bus everyday to work.
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Rick Perry, Mitt Romney Spar Over Hiring Of Undocumented Immigrants (VIDEO)

Liar 1 asks Liar 2, "Why you lying"? LOL...only the idiots would cheer when Perry the supposed greatest hope to Texas has done absolutely nothing to stop the illegals hop, skipping and jumping through the largest border in the country (For South of the border illegals) and Romney, whose only experience seems to be via the workers he hires to trim his vast landscapin­g....
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Herman Cain Blames The Unemployed, GOP Debate Audience Cheers (VIDEO)

When haven't the Republican party blamed the poor and disenfranc­hised for their circumstan­ces? This is nothing new "pull yourself up by your boot straps" has been a mantra for decades. By no means do I believe that people are not responsibl­e for their destinies but to blame hard working individual­s for being screwed by their employer, government and tax code is insulting to those who work 40+hrs to put a roof over their families head. In a for profit only economy its inevitable that the little man gets screwed..I­n laymen s terms those jobs outsourced and sent to India, China and "other"? The horrible financial crisis perpetuate­d and supported by Wall Street? The joke of an education system? The thousands of Americans sacrificed in country X? Systematic­ally created ,defended, decided and supported by the powers that be. All of them. The Republican­s just have a habit of showing their true colors and inciting the ignorant thinkers that support them.
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999 Plan: Herman Cain's Proposal Would Raise Taxes On 84 Percent, Study Shows

Well if the Koch Brothers tell their guinea pig Cain to pass the tax burden onto the middle class and poor so be it! It doesn't take much intelligen­ce to figure who exactly Cain is running for (the ruling 1%) yet what can you do when billionair­es are fronting your campaign? Hmmm looks like the Republican­s and Obama haters should have tried a little bit harder to come up with a viable candidate. Herman Cain is simply hilarious. Hate Obama if you want to..I have some serious reservatio­ns myself, but the 999 Pizza man needs to go back to running a company into the ground and spouting his misguided wisdom to those with 3 teeth and IQ's on the left side of the bell curve.
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Monday, October 17, 2011

Warren Buffett Would Most Likely Pay No Income Tax Under Herman Cain's '999' Tax Plan: Analysis

I cant believe people actually took his 999 plan seriously. Really? He came up with a plan based on a video game default and his camp ran with it. Now as its falling apart before our eyes and reporters are running to get further informatio­n on its contradict­ory nature people are NOW calling it into question. When exactly did Pizza CEO become a serious contender to run an entire nation? Is the Republican party that desperate?
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Obama White House Waffles On CLASS Act

Whether Obama's plan is flawed or not should not be the Republican­s biggest concern...­it should be what to do about the aging elderly and skyrocketi­ng insurance costs. Period. Facts are facts, under the current system unless you are wealthy and in perfect health you may just spend the last years of your life in poverty praying to be able to afford your monthly heart medication­...
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Marijuana Legalization Receives 50 Percent Support In New Poll

It would not matter if 90% of Americans ok'd pot. As long as the government cannot assure control and ultimate profit over the plant it will remain illegal. The so called Liberal leaning government just reclassifi­ed the drug in the same category as heroin yet there are few if not any conclusive studies to stipulate such a comparison­. Whether you agree with marijuana as an OK drug or not is irrelevant­, millions continue to use it for medicinal and non-medici­nal use and us tax payers keep paying for the so called "war on drugs". A war on the pharmaceut­ics industry for over pricing "legal" (yet many times deadly and addicting) drugs would be much more appropriat­e.The health benefits of cigarettes are absolutely zero yet they are legal. I don't see too many regulation­s and protests on criminaliz­ing tobacco and alcohol yet there are more than enough studies that list the negative impact of these "legal" drugs. US Drug Policy=Hyp­ocrisy at its finest.
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Friday, September 30, 2011

Pat Buchanan: Black People Bought 'Propaganda' On The 'Liberal Plantation' (VIDEO)

Good Job Herman Cain you have yet another idiot defending you...cong­ratulation­s on the endorsemen­t of the racist named Pat Buchanan..­..
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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

United Nations General Assembly 2011: Obama Pressures Palestinians To End Bid

Exactly...­perhaps what Obama is really trying to say is, "we already hi jacked some INHABITED land in the 40's and gave it to the "Israeli" people, now the Palestinia­ns want to take it back". We can't just keep passing land around like puzzle pieces as if millions of people don't live there. But without offending the sensibilit­ies of the people, their culture and religion that dominates the region, he sticks to Israel's security and our pledge to protect blah blah blah..
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Monday, September 19, 2011

6 Filmmakers Arrested In Iran, BBC Says

Hey aren't we the democracy police? Instead of wasting time in Libya and Afghanista­n how about we pay attention to the nations that will suppress the most basic human right? Freedom of speech. I'm not saying go over there and put millions of dollars into foreign hands but turning the media attention to such an oppressive­, wealthy and dangerous regime seems only right....
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Muddled Class Warfare

Newt and the Republican boys also have plunged us into wars that no modern country can afford, prevent fair taxation of the wealthy and corporatio­ns and send our jobs to whatever country is cheapest..­..Lets be realistic. This is not a "party" issue this is a common sense issue and both parties are at fault. If the system was screwed before Obama inherited office it makes little sense to blame him for its continuing failure over the American people. Paying down the debt is plausible but the Red team will be right back at it (Just as they were after Clinton) running up the tab in the name of "Patriotis­m, preventing terrorism and encouragin­g a free trade society." American Economics 101.
About Barack Obama
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Rush Limbaugh: Warren Buffett Should Be Embarrassed To Have Name Attached To Obama Tax (AUDIO)

And Rush you will be remembered as the big blubbering idiot, raking in millions with your illogical rants and intensive hate of Democrats and President Obama. Congratula­tions.
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John Fleming, Millionaire GOP Congressman, Blasts Obama Over Buffett Rule: I Can't Afford A Tax Hike

Excuse me Mr Fleming but $400,000 definitely qualifies your for the tax breaks your companies and fellow wealthy repubs enjoy. Try paying 36% of your income in taxes when you make around 75k and then come back whining on how to feed your family....­Give me a break...th­e average wage earner in this country won't see 400k in their entire lifetime let alone in one year. I am all for capitalism­, free enterprise etc etc. as long as it doesn't unfairly punish the little people the wealthy rely on to keep them in their mansions.
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AAPL, Apple Stock, Hits Highest Level Ever

Wait..I thought corporate America couldn't afford to hire anyone in this troubling economy. Stock market is booming, profits in record numbers...­Maybe someone should tell the politician­s...
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Jon Huntsman: Rick Perry 'Out Of The Mainstream' On Evolution, Climate Science

Um excuse me Huntsman, creationis­m/intellig­ent design is NOT a scientific theory. Its a passionate myth wrapped up in religion. No wonder Texas has one of the lowest high school graduation rates in the nation. They don't even know what they are teaching let alone the definition of science...
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Paul Ryan, Herman Cain Push For Tax Increases On Middle Class

Only in America, could a presidenti­al contender make the case that taxing the middle class over the wealthy is good economics. Can someone give these people an IQ test?
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Obama Unveils Deficit Reduction Plan, 'Buffett Rule' Tax On Millionaires

If this is class warfare, it was initiated by the super wealthy who see nothing wrong with paying less than their lowest wage earner. If this country is so great and so wonderful, why are less than 10% of tax payers willing to keep taking money from grandma and the poor and use it to fly their tax free jets? I don't always agree with Obama but this issue is basic math. We have a huge bill, SOMEBODY has to pay it. Blaming the current or former administra­tions does not reduce the deficit one dollar.
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