About Me

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My name is Adesina "Nina" Davis and welcome to my blog. I am CEO of Sina Davis LLC and run several companies including Simply Tasteful Catering & Entertainment. I do my best to enjoy life to the fullest and urge everyone I know to do the same. Change only comes when you do something about it. Let's just say I am doing a lot!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Unemployment Benefits: Most Of The Unemployed No Longer Receive Benefits

For those bless-full­y employed the depressing nature of this report will probably not hit home..We live in the best country in the world...ri­ght? Yet able bodied, intelligen­t hard working individual­s cannot find work.Wheth­er you agree with government sponsored benefits or not (by all accounts keep people square in the middle of absolute poverty) these are our fellow Americans. In our super modern society that means you are 1 step away from homeless once you lose your job..and in this economy its a very real reality regardless of your work ethic, education, experience etc.The occupy Wall Street movement may have its many criticisms but someone has got to step up and say something. As long as the disparity between the rich and the poor increases our country steps down from greatness step by step....
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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