"I understand that some legislator
s have concerns about the extension of unemployme
nt aid," she said. "They worry about the federal deficit. So do I. But you don't balance the federal budget by turning your back on Arizonans in their time of need. That's not principled fiscal conservati
sm. It's just cruel. And we are better than this." Really Governor Brewer? You have historical
ly represente
d a party that operates on cruel fiscal conservati
sm when it applies to the poor and disenfranc
hised. Republican
s have only wanted to ensure that legislatio
n protects the rich and big business, period. Several states went into weeks of lapsed payments while Republican
s threw temper tantrums and hundreds of thousands of people became homeless, went hungry and were generally ignored by the very elected officials sworn to protect them. Blame the Dems all you want only the Republican
s in this nation have systematic
ally attacked the benefits, wages of the poorest most desperate people in the Unites States Of America. Unemployme
nt benefits by their very definition indicate that people who received them worked for the very benefits the Republican
s are holding hostage to get their way. It is embarrassi
ng to watch either party argue over the fate of our nation as they are both too far removed from the true everyday problems average Americans face but lets be decent if only for a second. Give the people their unemployme
nt benefits. Let's not allow our government
s inability to get it together further hurt Americans who truly need our support.
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