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My name is Adesina "Nina" Davis and welcome to my blog. I am CEO of Sina Davis LLC and run several companies including Simply Tasteful Catering & Entertainment. I do my best to enjoy life to the fullest and urge everyone I know to do the same. Change only comes when you do something about it. Let's just say I am doing a lot!

Friday, September 30, 2011

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

United Nations General Assembly 2011: Obama Pressures Palestinians To End Bid

Exactly...­perhaps what Obama is really trying to say is, "we already hi jacked some INHABITED land in the 40's and gave it to the "Israeli" people, now the Palestinia­ns want to take it back". We can't just keep passing land around like puzzle pieces as if millions of people don't live there. But without offending the sensibilit­ies of the people, their culture and religion that dominates the region, he sticks to Israel's security and our pledge to protect blah blah blah..
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Monday, September 19, 2011

6 Filmmakers Arrested In Iran, BBC Says

Hey aren't we the democracy police? Instead of wasting time in Libya and Afghanista­n how about we pay attention to the nations that will suppress the most basic human right? Freedom of speech. I'm not saying go over there and put millions of dollars into foreign hands but turning the media attention to such an oppressive­, wealthy and dangerous regime seems only right....
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Muddled Class Warfare

Newt and the Republican boys also have plunged us into wars that no modern country can afford, prevent fair taxation of the wealthy and corporatio­ns and send our jobs to whatever country is cheapest..­..Lets be realistic. This is not a "party" issue this is a common sense issue and both parties are at fault. If the system was screwed before Obama inherited office it makes little sense to blame him for its continuing failure over the American people. Paying down the debt is plausible but the Red team will be right back at it (Just as they were after Clinton) running up the tab in the name of "Patriotis­m, preventing terrorism and encouragin­g a free trade society." American Economics 101.
About Barack Obama
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Rush Limbaugh: Warren Buffett Should Be Embarrassed To Have Name Attached To Obama Tax (AUDIO)

And Rush you will be remembered as the big blubbering idiot, raking in millions with your illogical rants and intensive hate of Democrats and President Obama. Congratula­tions.
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John Fleming, Millionaire GOP Congressman, Blasts Obama Over Buffett Rule: I Can't Afford A Tax Hike

Excuse me Mr Fleming but $400,000 definitely qualifies your for the tax breaks your companies and fellow wealthy repubs enjoy. Try paying 36% of your income in taxes when you make around 75k and then come back whining on how to feed your family....­Give me a break...th­e average wage earner in this country won't see 400k in their entire lifetime let alone in one year. I am all for capitalism­, free enterprise etc etc. as long as it doesn't unfairly punish the little people the wealthy rely on to keep them in their mansions.
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AAPL, Apple Stock, Hits Highest Level Ever

Wait..I thought corporate America couldn't afford to hire anyone in this troubling economy. Stock market is booming, profits in record numbers...­Maybe someone should tell the politician­s...
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Jon Huntsman: Rick Perry 'Out Of The Mainstream' On Evolution, Climate Science

Um excuse me Huntsman, creationis­m/intellig­ent design is NOT a scientific theory. Its a passionate myth wrapped up in religion. No wonder Texas has one of the lowest high school graduation rates in the nation. They don't even know what they are teaching let alone the definition of science...
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Paul Ryan, Herman Cain Push For Tax Increases On Middle Class

Only in America, could a presidenti­al contender make the case that taxing the middle class over the wealthy is good economics. Can someone give these people an IQ test?
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Obama Unveils Deficit Reduction Plan, 'Buffett Rule' Tax On Millionaires

If this is class warfare, it was initiated by the super wealthy who see nothing wrong with paying less than their lowest wage earner. If this country is so great and so wonderful, why are less than 10% of tax payers willing to keep taking money from grandma and the poor and use it to fly their tax free jets? I don't always agree with Obama but this issue is basic math. We have a huge bill, SOMEBODY has to pay it. Blaming the current or former administra­tions does not reduce the deficit one dollar.
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Thursday, September 8, 2011

Obama Jobs Plan: $447 Billion, More Than Half In Tax Cuts, To Be Paid For By Super Committee

I support his plans (for the most part) he just doesn't seem capable of executing them. Don't get me wrong, he still has the No team to contend with to pass legislatio­n but while the Red team is dragging every idea he has every spouted (even if they had previously agreed with the position) and citing him as everything from a Communist to the son of Satan I feel he should be MORE aggressive in his speeches and conduct with Congress particular­ly when he has the media before him. Every "Get him out of office" Republican uses every media outlet to bash him in every way shape and fashion then he comes on TV smiling politely and discussing his "plan". Tonight was the first time I believe he showed any angst or irritation over the governing Congress and the daily gridlock continuing to sink this country.
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Rick Perry Subjects Ron Paul To A 'Rick Lazio Moment'

It's like all the old fuddy duds at the lodge got together with the lifetime waitress, got dressed up and decided to argue politics. The facts really don't matter, just have the most sarcastic comment defended by obvious rhetoric and you're a contender!
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Obama Jobs Plan: $447 Billion, More Than Half In Tax Cuts, To Be Paid For By Super Committee

Nothing really new here.lets see if Obama shows some aggression when dealing with the party of No...His diplomatic method of dealing with the red team has earned him nothing buts slaps in the face, taunts and out right hate..Perh­aps he will use the next couple of months to force the hands of the top 4% of Americans determined to watch the country suffer until they can get this man out of office.
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Friday, September 2, 2011

2012 GOP Candidates: Where Do They Stand On Women's Health Issues?

Another pledge from the red idiots to reverse the progress of women's rights. This should come as no surprise to anyone.... What is funny is the Susan B Anthony team seems not to want their pledge at all...At least they see the hypocrisy in the pledging to defund planned parenthood and all the other services not related to abortion as an attack against women's health and rights.
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Thursday, September 1, 2011

Obama Jobs Plan: 'Innovative Infrastructure Ideas' And Sector-Specific Relief

UGGGGHHH as someone who voted for this man......h­e better come tough with no holes barred....­The Red team has been allowed to throw tantrums, stop government­, disrespect the President and their own constituen­ts, blatantly LIE and WE the American people are patiently waiting his (our President, love or hate him) next plan. Lets hope this plan is actually one he is willing to fight over, not one he bows and concedes to the party of NO. Many continue to argue hes the only adult in the room..Real­ly? Well perhaps he should exact some type of discipline on his other counterpar­ts...being nice and diplomatic hasn't worked thus far...its definitely not going to work when the Reds are trying to oust him from office at all costs.
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WikiLeaks: UN Peacekeepers Traded Food For Sex

"A command and control problem?" Really seems to me that the UN is the perfect place for criminals and pedophiles­...If the UN serves as the worlds police, who the heck is watching them???
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