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My name is Adesina "Nina" Davis and welcome to my blog. I am CEO of Sina Davis LLC and run several companies including Simply Tasteful Catering & Entertainment. I do my best to enjoy life to the fullest and urge everyone I know to do the same. Change only comes when you do something about it. Let's just say I am doing a lot!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Denise Helms, California Woman, Fired After Calling Obama N-Word, Hoping He's Assassinated (VIDEO)

As anyone with an ounce of common sense knows, free speech is only free when you are not preaching racism and hate concerning the leader of our nation. Be realistic, if everyone was allowed to entice racism and hate without any qualms from anyone...the world would be much worse than it already is. You don't like the President of the United States? Fine, That is your right. To insult an entire race of people is beyond ignorant.
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Thursday, November 1, 2012

Clint Eastwood Talks 'Suspicious' Obama, Infamous RNC Chair Speech

Can this mans wife please take a break from her ridiculous reality show and take him on vacation? Critics like Trump may be idiots but at least their pretty much coherent. Eastwood is still searching for the words that explain his position....here's a clue "I dont want Obama as president. Period. No logic or reason."
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Friday, October 12, 2012

The Enemy of My Enemy Is My President

This cant be surprising to anyone. Thanks to the wonderful Supreme Court who supports the buying of candidates most million dollar+ contributors will continue to float in the direction of their best interests. Their bank accounts. No one in their right mind can actually believe that institutions such as Goldman Sachs cares 2 cents for either party. Did Obama do enough to regulate the industry? Probably not. But with enemies across the aisle and the 1% ensuring they remain the 1% what exactly were his options.
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Fox News Goes Off On Biden: 'Rude,' 'Unhinged,' 'Cranky Old Man'

I guess when Romney was stuttering, interrupting and just dodging questions during the last debate he projected "respectability" to the Reds. Get a clue Fox when someone continues to blow complete smoke and refuses to answer the most simple questions you would laugh at them too. You can't argue with ignorance. You just smile and pat them on the head.
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Thursday, October 11, 2012

Joe Biden Addresses 47 Percent During Vice Presidential Debate

Even those whose fundamental values and opinions are based on their religion, their parents values and traditional voting trends (rather than simple fact and basic math) have to admit that Joe was far more clear on the administrations decisions and plans than Ryan was. Even for those who continually vote the same way and spend a few minutes a day glancing at news headlines have to admit that while Ryan was "studying" political history and policy, Bidden was living it. Lets hope Obama picks up the same momentum (for lack of being censored I would say his two...) and serves Romney his BS on a platter just as Bidden did tonight. Is Obama perfect? Far from it....but Ill roll with the ok candidate than the candidate that cant add, takes us back to Roe vs Wade, sends are jobs everywhere else for billions and cant answer a question or come up with a good defense for continually solely backing the few percent of Americans who didn't suffer these past 8 years.
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Pat Smith, Mother Of State Department Official Slain In Libya, Demands Answers From Obama (VIDEO)

Ryan I hope you find truth in the bottom of your water glass. Bidden is far more experienced and negating the BS than you and the moderator seems less inclined to let your lies, half truths and generalities fly. You cut a dashing image Mr Ryan but I wouldn't trust you to change a light bulb.
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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Rush Limbaugh: Secret Fundraiser Video Is "Golden Opportunity" For Romney

Hhhmmm. Good job Romney. You have the biggest loud mouth idiot defending your statements. He's (Limbaugh) basically giving you carte blanche to take the gloves off keep saying offensive remarks to half the nation and continue to defend your elitist position while explaining that the poor and elderly are in the positions they are in because of their own lack of initiative. Good job!
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Mitt Romney Video: Barack Obama Voters 'Dependent On Government' (UPDATED)

Does the headline actually read Romney wont back down? From what? The only thing he said is exactly what he and his fellow staunch Republicans have been saying for years and years. It's just been clouded in rhetoric, propaganda and straight out lies. I for one was not shocked to see this video as most people with a small amount of intelligence understand that the Red team has always and will always only cater to those in their best interest. The wealthy, the elite, and those smart enough to pretend they hate government when it is the exact weapon they have used to support their dominance and position. And for the record I have never met someone who was happy to rely on the government for housing, food and/or medical which by definition and law means you are at the very bottom of the poverty level in this country.
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Saturday, June 23, 2012

Jerry Sandusky Guilty: Verdict Reached In Child Molestation Trial Of Former Penn State Football Coach

This is so sad and so sick that a million guilty verdicts could not even begin to undo the pain caused to the victims. At the very least we can be thankful for a jury that saw through the prestigious status of this coach and into the very reality that he did something very, very wrong.
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Thursday, June 7, 2012

Military Suicide Rate Surges To Nearly One Per Day This Year

When will they learn...the wages of war effect far more people than those murdered in the name of..(insert here). Mankind may be advanced but obviously not to the point of realizing the cost of war is paid by both sides....the "winners" and the "losers". War=death. Any other equation is the subject of philosophical and political debate, not facts based in reality. For those that bury their loved ones, prayers.......
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Sunday, May 20, 2012

Cory Booker Clarifies Criticism Of Obama's Campaign Tactics (VIDEO)

What? I saw the original interview and his backtracking now makes absolutely no sense. What is it with the politicos? I wonder how long after Booker gave his honest opinion before the "phone call" came dictating what he really meant to say and how to clarify his opinion. When are our elected officials going to get it? We far more respect the person who says how he feels and says suck it up, than the persons continuously just sucking. Even as an Obama supporter I have my arguments and points of contention with him and his policies but blatantly lying as a show of support is ridiculous.
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NATO Summit: Protesters, Police Face Off In Largest Rally Against Chicago Summit Yet (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

The specific message of the protesters may not be clear but the stance taken by veterans who cast down their medals is pretty heroic. Those who have actually seen and lived the price of war caused by those who never enter it (I'm referring to the diplomats of every country including those currently warring who toast have dinner and discuss the lives of hundreds of millions of people). Violence obviously has never solved anything and I do wish the protesters had unified on at least a few issues. (Abortion to Wall Street? As usual the media will report this as a disarray of angry voices, and in this case they may be right but I am and always will be supportive of those who get out and say something!
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Sunday, May 6, 2012

Joe Biden Gay Marriage Reaction: Frustration As Officials Walk Back VP's Same-Sex Marriage Comments

I'm confused. What is President Obama supposed to say? His personal beliefs may be on par with equality but federal legislation would be shot down before the committees had their first coffee. The article above stipulates on one hand that Obama walked back his comments, and on the other per Axelrod he believes in equality for all. Which one is it? Has anyone took notice of Congress lately? They are a joke. All of them, both teams, etc. Obama isn't crazy he refuses to engage in a conversation that most of Congress have shut down long ago. I'm not saying that his silence is helpful but his cheer leading would lead no where. I am for equal rights for everyone, as are most reasonable minded people. However, those are not the people we elect to legislate and they are the very ones in silence who condone discrimination. Perhaps the activists should focus less on what Obama is doing and more on what their senators, congressman and elected officials are.
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Federal Student Loan Legislation Turns To Partisan Fight

At this point cant we agree that both teams are simply posturing for their constituents and the media? No one gives two figs about tuition rate increases, particularly since colleges and universities from coast to coast continue to raise tuition costs without the slightest promise of a job afterward. Even if the interest rates were to double under the current rates, the typical American still can't afford an education in our wonderful institutions of higher learning and if they can they spend 20 years attempting to pay it back. If our Congress were truly concerned, it would be regarding the for profit model of education our country thrives on.
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Friday, April 27, 2012

Trayvon Martin Case: Judge Rejects Bail Hike For George Zimmerman

Something tells me that no matter the outcome of this court case, neither side is going to be happy. This is an awfully tragic case, that no persecution could ever fix. A child is dead, a man feels justified in his actions......Horrible for everyone.
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Friday, April 6, 2012

Trayvon Martin Case: Armed Neo-Nazis Patrolling Sanford

Some one needs to go back to work. If you have nothing to do but patrol upper class neighborhoods in defense of the "white race" your "to do" list is lacking. In case people forgot we may have a black president but this country has been "for whites". Not a racial statement more of a factual one based on the history of this country. I hate fanatics of any kind white, black, yellow or the other but since a black child was killed, no one has been arrested what race (if any) really needs protection?
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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Arizona Medical Marijuana Law: Gov. Jan Brewer Signs Measure To Ban Medical Marijuana On College Campuses

Go Brewer and the Feds! Because attempting to ban drugs in this country has ALWAYS been successful and there has been a clear link between college students using marijuana and wasting millions of dollars in federal funds. Alcohol on college campuses? Oh thats not a problem. Last time I checked the biggest spender of American dollars are the "straight and narrow" Congress and Administration who are not subjected to any laws apparently...
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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

GAO Obamacare Report: National Debt Would Skyrocket If Plan Not Implemented

When will news report the REALITY of the health care situation in this country? For the millions of Americans without health insurance entering an ER is a super inflated bill to the average tax payer. No medical facility in this country legally turns away anyone and guess where that excessive cost goes? Not to mention those that actually pay for insurance and find out that their insurance company has the right to let them suffer and die due to "pre-existing" conditions. Like it or hate it, ObamaCare is the best case solution to a screwed up situation in which profit margins determine the value of Americans health and lives. If the Supreme Court seems fit to deem the legislation unconstitutional I can only hope it goes into its coffers to offset the ever rising costs of unregulated, for-profit health care.
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Thursday, March 8, 2012

Martin Sheen Has Harsh Words For Progressives Critical Of Obama

Go Martin Sheen! Despite the 2008 Obama cheerleaders turned Obama haters, most people can agree that the President can only do so much. An "obstructionist" Congress was just one major hurdle Obama had to face not to mention a screwed up economy, multiple wars and world conflicts and hatred spewing from both sides of the aisle. I'd say all in all Obama did the best he could given the crappy hand he was dealt. You want a superhero? Go watch a movie.
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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Mitt Romney 2012 Gubernatorial Endorsements Don't Pay Off

I guess its heartening to realize that all money can't buyall endorsemen­ts, but the more troubling aspect is exactly how many it can. Thanks Supreme Court, Corporatio­ns are People too huh? Exactly how many is that? A couple hundred? Like 5% of the population­? Ok. Though I think the Republican nominees are more representa­tive of a three ring circus then seriously dedicated "elected officials" the American people should be more outraged about the amount of money spent by all candidates (Yes Democrats, too many of you are beyond millionair­es too) campaignin­g. Really? I though the country is in debt, where are the hundreds of millions of dollars coming from to sponsor the idiots that continue to plunge the country into devastatio­n? Oh that's right its the OTHER corporatio­ns and super millionair­es and billionair­es funding our elections, oh and Grandma sending in 25% of her social security check. No wonder nothing gets done in Washington (or any other state really, the millionair­es and billionair­es are too busy playing "Well I'm going to spend this much and ruin you on TV". Rome fell for a reason, why is the US on the same road?
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Barack Obama Still 'Evolving' On Same-Sex Marriage: White House

I may be a supporter of Obama (Lets take an honest look at the opposition people) but to still be "evolving" on what fundamenta­lly comes down to a human rights issue is stupid. Someone in the administra­tion needs to smack the President and awaken him to the reality of 2012. If human beings want to be married, let them marry there are far more serious problems in this country.
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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

State Of The Union 2012: Obama Delivers Address (LIVE VIDEO & UPDATES)

I love the Republican response from the wonderful Gov. Mitch Daniels...­"This president cannot continue to pit Americans against each other" Really? Are you referring to the 98% subject to the domination of the 2%? The very two percent that rapes the masses, is solely responsibl­e for the economic crisis of today? Oh I'm sorry the President misspoke, he was too general in attempting to hold all those responsibl­e accountabl­e. Both sides of Congress, both sides of the aisle held by their millions of dollars in donations. Perhaps he should have called out the 2% by name, one by one and asked them before the nation, what exactly are YOU doing to make this country great? The most powerful will always be the most responsibl­e so someone please tell me why we shouldn't have a problem with the upper?
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Thursday, January 5, 2012

Rick Santorum In New Hampshire: Congress Should Take Obama To Court For Recess Appointments

"Met with voters in a nursing home"....I­s it safe to assume that most people that voted, the 5.4% that actually turned out in the Iowa hoopla were predominat­ely over the age of 70?
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