About Me

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My name is Adesina "Nina" Davis and welcome to my blog. I am CEO of Sina Davis LLC and run several companies including Simply Tasteful Catering & Entertainment. I do my best to enjoy life to the fullest and urge everyone I know to do the same. Change only comes when you do something about it. Let's just say I am doing a lot!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Senate Committee Votes Yes On Syria Resolution To Bomb Assad

So we are going to attack a country whose own rebels decline our assitance. This is ridiculous. I generally support Obama's stance and position (Congress.....well they havent been effective in how many years?) but how many countries shall we invade and how many people are we going to kill before America stops playing God of the planet.There are plenty of humanitarian outrages all over the world but we choose to pick and choose at hmmmm. (Well if they are Islamic they seem to be at the top of the list...Oil? Done!.)

Unless another Hitler starts hopscotching all over the world we as Americans should probably focus our energy on our own. Chicago is a war zone and Detroit...nearly a 3rd world country. Can we please drop some troops over there? Now I understand we have proclaimed to the world that we will not send any troops over. At least not in the next 90 days.....Yet we are bombing Syria....Not Assad..... hes good, those missiles will probably hit all of his innocent people You know the ones we are protecting. and like 4 bad guys (do we even know who they are?).
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

One Thing Red States Do Better Than Blue States (INFOGRAPHIC)

Since many religious organizations require a form of tithing/alms/donations etc. as confirmation of ones faith (or at least an act trying to prove it) this article and its premise are not really surprising. The bible and many who follow the fundamental/orthodox teachings believe that 10% of their income is to go to the church. I'm not sure about anyone else but I believe the definition of altruism is doing something without the expectation of anything in return. This includes salvation or any sort of recognition for one's efforts.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Federal Drug Agency Denies Marijuana Is Less Toxic Than Alcohol

Potheads may not be my favorite people (close) but they cause far less damage than the pill poppers and the drunks. ...Even the nice wall street types who only have a few martinis during lunch end up on PSA's talking about how devastated they are to have killed x amount of people on their way home from a stressful day at the office.... I'm still waiting for someone to cause terror and havoc while they are high. Should weed be legal everywhere? Probably.. (cigarettes, prescription pills that are strong enough to kill an animal and liquor are)..Our drug system is not on par with reality in the first place. The homie toking in his living room and consuming 3 hamburgers and two bags of Cheetos within 30 minutes is the least of my worries.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

USC Student: Police Said I Wasn't Raped Because He Didn't Orgasm

I should be shocked..but sadly I am not. Despite the fact that this is `2013 ( I am sure progressives in say 1894 screamed the same thing " Its 1894"!) our revolution as people has obviously not progressed as fast as our technology. I can literally communicate with someone in a cave 7000 miles away, but in our super modern nation of "equality" rape is commonplace and ignored, murder of a child is ok if you're "scared", self proclaimed religious nuts want to dictate what goes on in a woman's body and racism and sexism is the norm. 1% of the planet owning and controlling the rest of the planet? Yup that makes sense too. If there are aliens somewhere out there I'm sure they look down at us with pity and humor. Stupid humans...
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Friday, July 19, 2013

Rick Scott Meets With Stand Your Ground Protesters After Sit-In

I hate to say it, but this is the same state that allowed a woman who murdered her child walk free. Is racism an issue in this country..You bet...However it seems that Florida is doing its best to be known as the glitzier version of Texas where anything goes.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Monday, June 10, 2013

Obama Plan B Decision: Feds To Comply With NY Judge's Ruling

I am all for the rights of women. Period. Whether it be voting or contraception, the decision should rest squarely on the shoulders of the woman whose body is being affected. That being said I do have a problem with a teen being able to pop a very serious drug like candy. There has to be some restrictions on the use of this particular drug as most teenagers may not know the ramifications of taking a drug as potent as the morning after pill. I understand that many youth do not have an adult they can turn to, but a social worker, doctor, youth advocate, adult family member, someone should at least be required to be involved. Our children can't just go pick up a prescription for Vicodin for a reason.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Friday, April 26, 2013

Obama Planned Parenthood Speech: Abortion Foes Want Return To 1950s

The far rights mind set has not changed since the 1950's. Its always been A- ok for a man to get snipped and fixed (and pretty much do what the heck he wants) but a married woman needs her husbands permission. At the same time what a woman chooses to do with HER body is open to debate discussion and regulation. Equal rights....hmmmm. Thats real equal. Oh and the fact that most anti-abortion fanatics dont want to spend a dollar of their own caring for the millions of unwanted children in the world just makes this issue even sillier. When will Congress ,the bible thumpers, and the out right crazies go home, shut up and sit down. What a human being chooses to do to their own body is their business. The end. You dont have to agree with the decisions people make but at the very least the ignorant and the "holier than thou" should be taught the definition of what "Rights"are. It means "My body, my problem." I understand many people have strong feelings concerning what happens at the point of conception gives unborn children rights too....blah blah....Women are not hosts or pods, no one should have the right to determine what goes on inside of someone elses body, especially since the "host" has rights and the ultimate say so in the first place.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost