About Me

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My name is Adesina "Nina" Davis and welcome to my blog. I am CEO of Sina Davis LLC and run several companies including Simply Tasteful Catering & Entertainment. I do my best to enjoy life to the fullest and urge everyone I know to do the same. Change only comes when you do something about it. Let's just say I am doing a lot!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Illinois' Marijuana Estimated To Be Among The Nation's Most Expensive

I'm not sure where the stats on California came from but I can name at least 5 dispensari­es in Ca that sell ounces for less than $200...per­haps someone should capitalize in Chicago. As long as alcohol is legal... the far more devastatin­g drug than any other in terms of deaths, accidents and injuries I'm all for the sale of marijuana. Can we tax it please? All states are broke and more than 30% of Americans admit to consumptio­n. Please someone name a person that has been killed due to smoking marijuana. Don't believe me, see MADS statistics on accidental­, violent and vehicular deaths...
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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