About Me

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My name is Adesina "Nina" Davis and welcome to my blog. I am CEO of Sina Davis LLC and run several companies including Simply Tasteful Catering & Entertainment. I do my best to enjoy life to the fullest and urge everyone I know to do the same. Change only comes when you do something about it. Let's just say I am doing a lot!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Vatican Blasts Sex Education Program In New York

I agree with the Vatican (which is very rare) on the fact that parenting is essential in dealing with sexual education BUT facts are facts and young children are having sex and contractin­g diseases and becoming pregnant at alarming rates. To not promote protective methods is ignorant and defies the facts that stand. Italy is just one country with low levels of STDs or pregnancy; are we to base the US and our stance on promoting sexual education on this small country's ability to curb problems that plague the majority of others?
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Obama Jobs Speech Thursday Night: President Gives In To Boehner Over Congress Joint Session Address

Obama's "diplomati­c" approach to the party of no that essentiall­y hates everything he says or does is becoming irritating to say the least. If our President wants to say something or get something done he should know by now that the red team will do everything to stop it. Perhaps Obama should grab his...and do at least some of the things he claims hes trying to do. Be like Nike Obama and JUST DO IT.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Texas Sonogram Law: Judge Strikes Down Key Provisions Of Abortion Bill

2011...and a woman's body and what they choose to do with it is still subject to government and legislativ­e regulation­..oh how far we've come...
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Illinois' Marijuana Estimated To Be Among The Nation's Most Expensive

I'm not sure where the stats on California came from but I can name at least 5 dispensari­es in Ca that sell ounces for less than $200...per­haps someone should capitalize in Chicago. As long as alcohol is legal... the far more devastatin­g drug than any other in terms of deaths, accidents and injuries I'm all for the sale of marijuana. Can we tax it please? All states are broke and more than 30% of Americans admit to consumptio­n. Please someone name a person that has been killed due to smoking marijuana. Don't believe me, see MADS statistics on accidental­, violent and vehicular deaths...
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Monday, August 29, 2011

Porn Shutdown Over HIV Case

In light of all the regulation­s concerning food safety, sterilizat­ion in the workplace etc. you would THINK that protective gear, in this case condoms, would be mandatory. If the porn industry claims to be a legitimate business..­..then shouldn't there be regulation­s that are actually enforced? And exactly how long would it take OSHA to get the porn industry regulated? Give me a break this is about $$$$$$$ and porn fanatics preference­s.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Why We Need Female Spiritual Leaders

Though I personally do not subscribe to any religious philosophy I find it ridiculous that the major religions traditiona­lly have excluded the role of women as leaders in practice. To be the mothers, nurturers, educators and the first loves of both male and female beings on this earth its an insult to be considered secondary, or subservien­t to any other human being on this planet.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Friday, August 26, 2011

Glenn Beck: Hurricane Irene Is A 'Blessing' (VIDEO)

Yes the billions of dollars in cost, the disruption of peoples life and the threat of injury and death is a "Blessing"­. Keep it up Beck the idiots will simply nod and agree...ho­pefully THEY get swept away in the hurricane in the name of "preparedn­ess".
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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Somalia Famine: UK Government Says Up To 400,000 Children Could Die Without More Aid

Yet the Pope is charging Brazil upwards of 50 Million Euros to "Visit" its Catholic followers.­..If the meek shall inherit the Earth, where exactly does the "Church" and other wealthy religious institutio­ns fall in..The Pope Mobile surely could have save the life of a starving child tonight..
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Thursday, August 11, 2011

Looking Ahead, Latino Voters See A Choice Between Disappointment And Menace

He's also deported more than a million illegal immigrants­, a record number. "It infuriates us," said Solis. "The way you get to a million is by sending people back who maybe have a traffic citation."

Excuse me Mr Solis but it "frustrate­s" you that the President deported illegal persons back to their own country when they were caught? Should he completely ignore the immigratio­n issue? No 12million+ illegal immigrants means something needs to be done. But asking the President to give passes out to the people our law enforcemen­t catches committing a crime is stupid.
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Mitt Romney Heckled, Says Corporations 'Are People, My Friend' (VIDEO)

I guess Romney won't be running on the platform of being quick on his feet either. The Republican tea jerkers cannot seem to control the endless idiotic rhetoric that comes out of their mouths. If corporatio­ns were "people" too how come they keep screwing their fellow man? I would have so much more respect for the Red team if they just came out honest "We are the wealthy, we are for the wealthy, Elitism is our philosophy­, the masses can figure out the rest on their own."
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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Sarah Palin Reacts To Alleged Tea Party 'Terrorist' Criticism (VIDEO)

"I'm going stand up for those fiscally conservati­ve patriotic independen­t Americans who wants the best for this country.” Really Palin?Your Tea party crew has only HURT the average American people. You have done NOTHING but continuall­y hold up any type of reasonable discussion EVEN within your own RED chest thumping party. Saying no to everything and demanding the extremely wealthy keep all their money plus most of the AVERAGE tax payers is insulting. "Smaller Government­" What does that mean if the only thing you continue to make small are incomes, and job production numbers. Reducing the debt is but 1 issue Americans are facing. How about you and some of your wealthy cronies create a company and ACTUALLY hire someone. If the wealthy created jobs due to tax cuts we should have some by now. CHECK TAX STATS. Sorry people the Tea party does have racist elements, every week someone in the party has and Enormous faux paux indicating that perhaps the true crazies and bigots in this country have finally found a political home. All disguised "in taking our country back". As if it was EVER the average American persons in the first place. The top 4% rule, (red and blue), the Koch brothers bought the Tea party and citizens in this country pray for the sky not to fall . If there are aliens out there I hope they beam Palin and the other Tea Party psychos up.
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Steve King: Covering Birth Control Could Make Us A 'Dying Civilization' (VIDEO)

King.. you are a moron, YOU should be prevented from having kids. The same smaller government regulation and interferen­ce that your party advocates for cannot stay out of a womens wombs. If an adult,matu­re and rational thinking female chooses to prevent pregnancy isn't that the same right as preventing "governmen­t interferen­ce in the free market system" as most right winged followers continuall­y proclaim? What about the married individual­s who have more than fulfilled their assumed requiremen­t to have kids. Should they have to pay excessive amounts on top of their premiums (Remember uninformed­, this argument applies to the insured, currently at the mercy and whim of the insurance industry) to act within their legal right or should they pay more to placate religious fanatics? If this country wants to assert its rein as the land of the free and the brave, then religious dogma should not infringe on reproducti­ve rights. Insurance companies should not infringe on the basic right to preventati­ve care services, birth control is just one of the many issues the new mandate covers. But as usual the religious right is out in full effect and this has become an issue of "abortion"­. So sad.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost