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My name is Adesina "Nina" Davis and welcome to my blog. I am CEO of Sina Davis LLC and run several companies including Simply Tasteful Catering & Entertainment. I do my best to enjoy life to the fullest and urge everyone I know to do the same. Change only comes when you do something about it. Let's just say I am doing a lot!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Thanks for Reading the Constitution!

So.. after all the posturing, promising, and threats to "Take their Country Back" now the Republicans are now meeting to discuss their agenda for the year. Umm, where have you been for the past two years? Was too much time spent posing for the cameras, slamming the president and spreading rumor? In the two years the GOP has been the minority, they were unable to come up with a plan? Really? If you are so sure that the country is headed in the wrong direction Republicans, why is it taking you so long to clearly and specifically state what needs to be done? My four year old knows he doesn't like peas, but I wouldn't count on him for the family meal plan.  Thanks for reading the constitution today, some of us were really concerned that you all couldn't read. Something tells me that the GOP has been throwing a tantrum for so long they have forgotten what they were mad about. Most importantly they have forgotten that the policies and practices of their fellow party members are exactly what caused the economy's plunge in the first place.

Nina Davis

1 comment:

The Energy DD2 said...

Well said.... and again I love the passion with which you speak, but I think that you are forgetting that 75% of being a politician is the campaign and the chase. Every rep in the House spends over half of his first 3-4 terms (if he is lucky enough to get that many) campaigning. So you will have to pardon the indignance of our chosen few. Now step #2 for the Grand Ol Pimps is to get that colored guy out of the power seat, no no not that one, the other one... the one they hired. To be immediately followed by step #3 - choosing the strongest sacrificial lamb to challenge Obama in 2012. Step #4 will be beginning their next campaign season.... So as you can see Lady Nina there is absolutely NO time for planning policy, only for discussing the plan to plan policy....

The Energy