About Me

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My name is Adesina "Nina" Davis and welcome to my blog. I am CEO of Sina Davis LLC and run several companies including Simply Tasteful Catering & Entertainment. I do my best to enjoy life to the fullest and urge everyone I know to do the same. Change only comes when you do something about it. Let's just say I am doing a lot!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Please get the f*ck Out Schwarzenegger. Thank You, California

After the most horrendous leadership California has experienced, most Californians should be exhaling a sigh of relief as The Terminator takes his final bow. As far as his accomplishments go I believe his most noteworthy achievement is getting reelected in the first place. Virtually ostracized by both parties by the end of his first term, and eventually ignored for his second go round, his presence has been the mole on the backside of California politics. How Californians were stupid enough to vote for the actor defies reason but now the same people cheering him in are ushering him quickly out. Such as shame. The fickleness of the voting majority in California continues to elect pretty boy idiots to virtually every major government office in the state and yet complains about the high taxes, cost of living and unbelievable unemployment rates. As millions of illegal immigrants have two stepped across the border into a paid by taxpayer living, our government has stood silently besides bickering with each other over how much money the other party has. Lets face it, the problems Californians have due to ineffective government will not be solved any time soon, nor does it look as if our politicians are going to grow up. Though Jerry Brown is more of the same, at least the mumble mouthed terminator is done diddling in politics here. Oh and thanks Arnold for the beautiful pardon you gave your friends murdering son. You have allowed Noble Peace Prize winners to die, people you have actually known. In fact rather than pardon him, you dismissed a winner of an award you could never achieve and he did it behind bars. Perhaps Tookie Williams and other eligible inmates should have been Mexican and a member of your party. Good Bye and Good Riddance to the Austrian joke.

Nina Davis

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