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My name is Adesina "Nina" Davis and welcome to my blog. I am CEO of Sina Davis LLC and run several companies including Simply Tasteful Catering & Entertainment. I do my best to enjoy life to the fullest and urge everyone I know to do the same. Change only comes when you do something about it. Let's just say I am doing a lot!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

ObamaCare....Its better than the Alternative. Stop Wasting Our Time

Dear Republicans and Healthcare opponents:

Despite your own honest analysis that any attempt to repeal Obamacare would fail, you still spend millions on commercials, public meetings and materials attempting to rile the public into outrage. Repealitnow.org really? "Well do our spanking on the Congress" Really, I believe Congress passed the healthcare bill and it was signed by the President. Despite the fact that millions of Americans are now covered without the daily struggle and stresses of unjustified medical bills you still toot the horn that Americans don't want it. Really? I want the first American now covered by insurance to give it back. How about all the 24yr old struggling college students whose parents are breathing a collective sigh of relief that their children are now covered? How about the children and adults with pre-existing conditions that were dismissed for any type of coverage by their providers and left to deal with it. Do you have anything to say opponents? Most Americans want our troops out of the middle east but that doesn't mean diddly squat. I agree no policy the US government has ever passed, has been perfect but I refuse to believe that dismantling legislation that was in the works through 5 administrations is the best option for this country. Republicans who cry about national debt, how much is the broken insurance industry costing us? Because we live in a land where no one is turned away at hospitals, just exactly who do you think is paying these bills? We are. Every time a child who has no insurance walks into an emergency room they are treated and released and the bill is sent to the taxpayers. With universal healthcare at the very least people can get preventative care and access to adequate medical care which saves the taxpayers millions of dollars. I understand Obamacare opponents, you just don't like the man. Thats fine, I'm sure personally he hates all of you. However, your rhetoric is conflicting. If the job of the newly revived Republican party is solely to dismantle legislation that legally cannot be repealed stop wasting our time talking about excessive government spending. Republicans by trade spend more than any other party, and historically have lead us to economic devastation and crippling debt. Save the money you're spending on a fruitless campaign and apply it to where its needed. Lets say education. We are fairing pretty poorly compared to our modern counterparts. What is more important is that we support any legislation that provides a safety net for those neglected by the private industry and ridiculous business practices and saves millions of taxpayer dollars. Just pretend that G. Bush or an older white man proposed the legislation. Perhaps your loss will go down easier. In any event just shut up. Your beating a dead horse.

Nina Davis

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