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My name is Adesina "Nina" Davis and welcome to my blog. I am CEO of Sina Davis LLC and run several companies including Simply Tasteful Catering & Entertainment. I do my best to enjoy life to the fullest and urge everyone I know to do the same. Change only comes when you do something about it. Let's just say I am doing a lot!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Lunatic Shooter Yes…Environment Ripe for Violence? You bet your Red, White and Blue Ass!

Fact: Type A Personalities die faster than any other personality types.

AM radio I love you. Glenn Beck, Limbaugh, Jon and Ken, Bill Handle, Bill Carroll, Anderson Cooper you’re not so bad. The first amendment pretty much protects you from whatever verbal vomit you choose to spew on your listeners. What is astoundingly retarded, media, political figures and radio hosts is your inability to realize that your voice matters. If you constantly spew information, opinions and rhetoric of a divisive, demoralizing and hateful nature, you paint a picture of a society where the negativity is normal. For example, most are not aware of the close ties to Fox News and the Republican cause, so the news and images they bombard us with on its networks and stations is horrendously biased and most viewers assume the information they receive to be true. “Let’s take our Country back!” “Our President is a Socialist.” Really? Visual depictions of people in crosshairs? Arm yourself for your country? You idiots, we are all aware that there are more than a few people within this great country of ours are walking around with a couple screws loose. More importantly there are significantly more who are truly uninformed regarding the complexities of government, fiscal spending and politics and purposely riling people up to join a cause using hateful and divisive rhetoric is ridiculous and fragmenting this country. Does that mean we need to restrain ourselves from voicing an opinion? No, but we should always be cautious of the ability to rah-rah ourselves and others into a hostile force spewing nothing but negativity and derogatory commentary which permeates our world. If you wish to discuss the facts of a political cause, statement or position can you attack the argument on an intellectual basis? Can we pretend just for a second that when a radio host or news reporter begins their show, they keep in mind that their argument should be steeped in civility and respectable conduct? Is it any surprise that a so-called “upstanding” member of Congress called our president a liar in front of the world? In a supposedly first class society this is what is hurled at each other concerning supposedly intellectual and complex issues? Can someone tell me how many college graduates are in Congress? Were you allowed to verbally, metaphorically or allegorically violently attack your professor’s argument because you didn’t agree with their opinions? Really? What part of civilized discourse are we participating in? Grow up pundits, you’re not Lindsay Lohen or Courtney Cox, your job is to act intelligent, responsible and at the very least engage in civilized discourse, exhibiting anything less than is beneath you.

Nina Davis

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