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My name is Adesina "Nina" Davis and welcome to my blog. I am CEO of Sina Davis LLC and run several companies including Simply Tasteful Catering & Entertainment. I do my best to enjoy life to the fullest and urge everyone I know to do the same. Change only comes when you do something about it. Let's just say I am doing a lot!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Oh No the Extremists are Coming

Are we really that terrified of any Arab nation having a Muslim government come to power? I am so sick of hearing "Oh we feel for the Egyptian people...BUT what if the extremists take over?"  Are we serious? How about we free the oppressed and cultivate humanity, fair treatment among men and women and worry about the relatively small group of violent psychos that seem to be holding the world and all its armies hostage later.


Egypt on Fire, Millions set to March who will stand for Freedom?

"Foreign governments stop your hypocrisy, stand with the people of Egypt"  Stolen right off the placard of a pleading young Egyptian man televised on CNN just a few minutes ago. Shortly before his plea and army tank had rolled over protesters like mere road bumps in the street. Surrounding governments, in tuned with the struggles of the Egyptian people such as Jordan and Saudi Arabia stand silent and watch the rage in the streets. Obama silently pleads for Mubarek to step down while Mubarek continues his tyrannical raid, shutting down phone, internet and train service, watching the infrastructure of his country crumble. Really, has humanity not really evolved at all? Do world leaders truly stand politely aside where millions are screaming for rescue? America, typically the morality police of the world is no stranger to spreading democracy, but is quite hesitant to speak against those whose stand against it. By all means and measures Mubarek is a dictator, exhibiting unlimited control over millions of suffering. Egypt, home to one of the 7 wonders of the world, is filled with starving, uneducated, unemployed people. Egypt is not a third world country, with war torn interiors and social disruption. Muslims, Christians and extremists alike have lived in relative peace equally exposed to the oppression of its current government. How dare we speculate on who is to come to power? Our speculation should be on how to help those suffering at the hands of a corrupt leader. 75% of young people do not go to school as the unemployment rate is the equivalent of the drop out rate. 50% live below the poverty line in a land filled with gold, tombs and some of the most revered sites in the world. The corruption lies clearly at the top, with a thirty year history of ultimate supremacy and finally the people have risen up. I implore the rest of the world to stand up and take notice and encourage freedom from where ever you stand. Whenever a portion of humanity is oppressed we all are oppressed. The world powers that be stand only because those they supposedly represent support them or oppressed by them. If the people no longer support the government which stands to represent the will of the people, it should be the people's choice to change their government. How can Mubarek justify his refusal to step down when the people he is said to represent are violently demanding it?
Nina Davis


Saturday, January 29, 2011

Egypt Erupts, A Revolution in the Making,

Those not otherwise inclined to follow Egyptian history and conflict were quite surprised at the turn of events broadcast world wide. A nation on fire by all accounts is prompting the attention and passions of millions around the world. On the heels of the Tunesian overthrow of its oppressive government Egyptians poured into the streets, a parade of rich, poor, religious and non religious, Christians and Muslims in defiance of its government. For those not up on Egyptian politics, in short millions of people are incensed over the flagrant riches of the elite and government officials when more than 50% of its people live below the poverty line. In terms of dollars, that's $2 per day. Amidst a culture of proud ancestry, gods, enormous wealth and opulence and some of the most revered historical sites and artifacts in the world lies corruption, deceit oppression and outright tyranny. A brief look at any culture rich in any resource, whether it is water, labor, minerals, gold, religion etc. will outline the eventual rule of an elite class and the subsequent oppression of its populace. History provides ample evidence that greed and corruption rise with any hoarding or control of wealth and power and Egypt, since its early Dynastic Period is no different. The name, religion and ethnic background of the ruler may change but the face of absolute power never does. The world runs on capitalism which depends on a ruling elite to control subject and eventually oppress its masses to continue their control and power. Whether in Nicaragua, Angola, America or Tunesia "the people" are only responding to their awakening of the puppet masters stepping on their necks. Poverty and its effects in 2011 anywhere is a disgrace to mankind and the abundance of wealth and power controlled by the very few will continue to ensure that human rights remain second to human profits. Don't agree? Where are our leaders who stand against this? Where are those within governments and those with true power finally separating from their propaganda, rhetoric and empty promises? Well lets look at America and Israels official responses.
Israel is very afraid (as it very well should be), for Egypt stands as its closest Arab ally within the middle east poised to wipe Israel off the map. Any sort of government overthrow or dissidence weakens its ability to protect its much hated neighbor. Now, historically the Jewish people should be intimate with oppression, subjucation and inequality. Many governments, leaders and powers have toyed with the fate of the race as it suited their purposes. If any people should understand the necessity in uprising and overthrowing tyranny and oppression you would assume it would be those of the Jewish faith. As reported by Karl Vick in his article Israel has Faith Mubarak will prevail, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu states "We believe that Egypt is going to overcome the current wave of demonstrations, but we have to look to the future...Having said that, I'm not sure the time is right for the Arab region to go through the democratic process." Really? So what exactly leads to the democratic process? Is President Mubarak going to have a change of heart and come out and say "I give up people, the country, the gold, the palaces, pyramids, their all yours." That would be the equivalent of Southern slave masters saying "You're all free now, take some cotton with you!"
And Obama nicely applied a band-aid to a gun shot wound when he stated ""All governments must maintain power through consent, not coercion," on a phone conversation to President Mubarak. Thanks for that. Can you call him back and tell him to turn the internet and phone service on to his constituents? This is ridiculous. Any government that exercises absolute power will corrupt absolutely. (shout out to MF DOOM).

To maintain power and wealth within 1% of the population you have to control the other 99%. The current government systems that are experiencing revolution know this and will fight, fire upon and kill their own people to maintain it. 

Nina Davis

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Poli-Chatter: ObamaCare....Its better than the Alternative. Stop...

Poli-Chatter: ObamaCare....Its better than the Alternative. Stop...: "Dear Republicans and Healthcare opponents: Despite your own honest analysis that any attempt to repeal Obamacare would fail, you still spen..."

ObamaCare....Its better than the Alternative. Stop Wasting Our Time

Dear Republicans and Healthcare opponents:

Despite your own honest analysis that any attempt to repeal Obamacare would fail, you still spend millions on commercials, public meetings and materials attempting to rile the public into outrage. Repealitnow.org really? "Well do our spanking on the Congress" Really, I believe Congress passed the healthcare bill and it was signed by the President. Despite the fact that millions of Americans are now covered without the daily struggle and stresses of unjustified medical bills you still toot the horn that Americans don't want it. Really? I want the first American now covered by insurance to give it back. How about all the 24yr old struggling college students whose parents are breathing a collective sigh of relief that their children are now covered? How about the children and adults with pre-existing conditions that were dismissed for any type of coverage by their providers and left to deal with it. Do you have anything to say opponents? Most Americans want our troops out of the middle east but that doesn't mean diddly squat. I agree no policy the US government has ever passed, has been perfect but I refuse to believe that dismantling legislation that was in the works through 5 administrations is the best option for this country. Republicans who cry about national debt, how much is the broken insurance industry costing us? Because we live in a land where no one is turned away at hospitals, just exactly who do you think is paying these bills? We are. Every time a child who has no insurance walks into an emergency room they are treated and released and the bill is sent to the taxpayers. With universal healthcare at the very least people can get preventative care and access to adequate medical care which saves the taxpayers millions of dollars. I understand Obamacare opponents, you just don't like the man. Thats fine, I'm sure personally he hates all of you. However, your rhetoric is conflicting. If the job of the newly revived Republican party is solely to dismantle legislation that legally cannot be repealed stop wasting our time talking about excessive government spending. Republicans by trade spend more than any other party, and historically have lead us to economic devastation and crippling debt. Save the money you're spending on a fruitless campaign and apply it to where its needed. Lets say education. We are fairing pretty poorly compared to our modern counterparts. What is more important is that we support any legislation that provides a safety net for those neglected by the private industry and ridiculous business practices and saves millions of taxpayer dollars. Just pretend that G. Bush or an older white man proposed the legislation. Perhaps your loss will go down easier. In any event just shut up. Your beating a dead horse.

Nina Davis

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Lunatic Shooter Yes…Environment Ripe for Violence? You bet your Red, White and Blue Ass!

Fact: Type A Personalities die faster than any other personality types.

AM radio I love you. Glenn Beck, Limbaugh, Jon and Ken, Bill Handle, Bill Carroll, Anderson Cooper you’re not so bad. The first amendment pretty much protects you from whatever verbal vomit you choose to spew on your listeners. What is astoundingly retarded, media, political figures and radio hosts is your inability to realize that your voice matters. If you constantly spew information, opinions and rhetoric of a divisive, demoralizing and hateful nature, you paint a picture of a society where the negativity is normal. For example, most are not aware of the close ties to Fox News and the Republican cause, so the news and images they bombard us with on its networks and stations is horrendously biased and most viewers assume the information they receive to be true. “Let’s take our Country back!” “Our President is a Socialist.” Really? Visual depictions of people in crosshairs? Arm yourself for your country? You idiots, we are all aware that there are more than a few people within this great country of ours are walking around with a couple screws loose. More importantly there are significantly more who are truly uninformed regarding the complexities of government, fiscal spending and politics and purposely riling people up to join a cause using hateful and divisive rhetoric is ridiculous and fragmenting this country. Does that mean we need to restrain ourselves from voicing an opinion? No, but we should always be cautious of the ability to rah-rah ourselves and others into a hostile force spewing nothing but negativity and derogatory commentary which permeates our world. If you wish to discuss the facts of a political cause, statement or position can you attack the argument on an intellectual basis? Can we pretend just for a second that when a radio host or news reporter begins their show, they keep in mind that their argument should be steeped in civility and respectable conduct? Is it any surprise that a so-called “upstanding” member of Congress called our president a liar in front of the world? In a supposedly first class society this is what is hurled at each other concerning supposedly intellectual and complex issues? Can someone tell me how many college graduates are in Congress? Were you allowed to verbally, metaphorically or allegorically violently attack your professor’s argument because you didn’t agree with their opinions? Really? What part of civilized discourse are we participating in? Grow up pundits, you’re not Lindsay Lohen or Courtney Cox, your job is to act intelligent, responsible and at the very least engage in civilized discourse, exhibiting anything less than is beneath you.

Nina Davis

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Thanks for Reading the Constitution!

So.. after all the posturing, promising, and threats to "Take their Country Back" now the Republicans are now meeting to discuss their agenda for the year. Umm, where have you been for the past two years? Was too much time spent posing for the cameras, slamming the president and spreading rumor? In the two years the GOP has been the minority, they were unable to come up with a plan? Really? If you are so sure that the country is headed in the wrong direction Republicans, why is it taking you so long to clearly and specifically state what needs to be done? My four year old knows he doesn't like peas, but I wouldn't count on him for the family meal plan.  Thanks for reading the constitution today, some of us were really concerned that you all couldn't read. Something tells me that the GOP has been throwing a tantrum for so long they have forgotten what they were mad about. Most importantly they have forgotten that the policies and practices of their fellow party members are exactly what caused the economy's plunge in the first place.

Nina Davis

Children Hungry in 2011?

My son asked me this morning after a lengthy debate on finishing his breakfast why kids are starving in the world. Usually one with a quick response I found myself staring at the innocence of my four year old to such a sensible question. With all the advancements man has made, all the discoveries, scientific breakthroughs and space exploration you would think that children in 2011 would not die of starvation. Yet they do. By the hundreds of thousands children in our world suffer from hunger and starvation. I can honestly say I am not wealthy and I do not have the ability to adopt nations of babies. I find myself questioning a world that has such wealth and resources hoarded by very few, yet distributed with a high cost. I find myself disappointed and discouraged in a world fixated on opulence and luxury while a child dies. I do not need a commercial, or telethon to remind me that this world's children needs help. I have children of my own, and could not imagine not being able to feed them. If I resolve to do anything this year, it will be to help one starving child make it and encourage others to do the same. 

Nina Davis

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Please get the f*ck Out Schwarzenegger. Thank You, California

After the most horrendous leadership California has experienced, most Californians should be exhaling a sigh of relief as The Terminator takes his final bow. As far as his accomplishments go I believe his most noteworthy achievement is getting reelected in the first place. Virtually ostracized by both parties by the end of his first term, and eventually ignored for his second go round, his presence has been the mole on the backside of California politics. How Californians were stupid enough to vote for the actor defies reason but now the same people cheering him in are ushering him quickly out. Such as shame. The fickleness of the voting majority in California continues to elect pretty boy idiots to virtually every major government office in the state and yet complains about the high taxes, cost of living and unbelievable unemployment rates. As millions of illegal immigrants have two stepped across the border into a paid by taxpayer living, our government has stood silently besides bickering with each other over how much money the other party has. Lets face it, the problems Californians have due to ineffective government will not be solved any time soon, nor does it look as if our politicians are going to grow up. Though Jerry Brown is more of the same, at least the mumble mouthed terminator is done diddling in politics here. Oh and thanks Arnold for the beautiful pardon you gave your friends murdering son. You have allowed Noble Peace Prize winners to die, people you have actually known. In fact rather than pardon him, you dismissed a winner of an award you could never achieve and he did it behind bars. Perhaps Tookie Williams and other eligible inmates should have been Mexican and a member of your party. Good Bye and Good Riddance to the Austrian joke.

Nina Davis

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Poli-Chatter: The Church says no, but I’m a Christian by my own ...

Poli-Chatter: The Church says no, but I’m a Christian by my own ...: "I am a Christian. By my own definition my “Christianity” extends only to the beliefs in the Almighty power, his son Jesus and those that cam..."

Poli-Chatter: Ask your pastor this

Poli-Chatter: Ask your pastor this: "There was a time where questioning the authority of the Church or any other religious hierarchy meant death but with increased literacy, dec..."

Ask your pastor this

There was a time where questioning the authority of the Church or any other religious hierarchy meant death but with increased literacy, declining mortality, advances in science and technology the masses have been given a certain degree of control concerning their right to speak up. In addition for the first time since the inception of the Church, church doctrine, literature, and dogma can be researched within seconds. The actual structure and function of the church can be viewed easily yet most religious people don’t take the time. They take the word of their religious leader of their elders and promote their views as law. A carefully costumed religious figure, with a passionate voice and experience studying the religion does not equal greatness or superiority. If we expect others to be judged by their acts why do we continue to abide by the institutions that commit such horrible ones? If you believe in Christianity and swear by the Bible as the ultimate authority why wouldn't you study the history of its compilation? How many “true believers” really know the history behind the religion they adhere to outside of what is being taught by their particular spiritual leader? If you attend college, one professor does not teach all of your courses. Regardless of your degree you are required to fulfill a combination of course requirements taught by various teachers of different philosophies in part to encourage independent thinking and reasoning. The quickest way to fail a course is to write a paper regurgitating what the professor said. If we believe that in higher education, independent sources, thoughts, and interpretations are encouraged and required to succeed why are they suppressed within our religious institutions? Why are the obvious contradictions in the Bible, Torah, and Koran not questioned openly and explored within the institutions that claim them as fact? If we live in a world ruled by science, technology, logic and reason, why are they ignored within the institutions claiming to hold the answers to life?

Nina Davis