About Me

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My name is Adesina "Nina" Davis and welcome to my blog. I am CEO of Sina Davis LLC and run several companies including Simply Tasteful Catering & Entertainment. I do my best to enjoy life to the fullest and urge everyone I know to do the same. Change only comes when you do something about it. Let's just say I am doing a lot!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Cory Booker Clarifies Criticism Of Obama's Campaign Tactics (VIDEO)

What? I saw the original interview and his backtracking now makes absolutely no sense. What is it with the politicos? I wonder how long after Booker gave his honest opinion before the "phone call" came dictating what he really meant to say and how to clarify his opinion. When are our elected officials going to get it? We far more respect the person who says how he feels and says suck it up, than the persons continuously just sucking. Even as an Obama supporter I have my arguments and points of contention with him and his policies but blatantly lying as a show of support is ridiculous.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

NATO Summit: Protesters, Police Face Off In Largest Rally Against Chicago Summit Yet (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

The specific message of the protesters may not be clear but the stance taken by veterans who cast down their medals is pretty heroic. Those who have actually seen and lived the price of war caused by those who never enter it (I'm referring to the diplomats of every country including those currently warring who toast have dinner and discuss the lives of hundreds of millions of people). Violence obviously has never solved anything and I do wish the protesters had unified on at least a few issues. (Abortion to Wall Street? As usual the media will report this as a disarray of angry voices, and in this case they may be right but I am and always will be supportive of those who get out and say something!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Joe Biden Gay Marriage Reaction: Frustration As Officials Walk Back VP's Same-Sex Marriage Comments

I'm confused. What is President Obama supposed to say? His personal beliefs may be on par with equality but federal legislation would be shot down before the committees had their first coffee. The article above stipulates on one hand that Obama walked back his comments, and on the other per Axelrod he believes in equality for all. Which one is it? Has anyone took notice of Congress lately? They are a joke. All of them, both teams, etc. Obama isn't crazy he refuses to engage in a conversation that most of Congress have shut down long ago. I'm not saying that his silence is helpful but his cheer leading would lead no where. I am for equal rights for everyone, as are most reasonable minded people. However, those are not the people we elect to legislate and they are the very ones in silence who condone discrimination. Perhaps the activists should focus less on what Obama is doing and more on what their senators, congressman and elected officials are.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Federal Student Loan Legislation Turns To Partisan Fight

At this point cant we agree that both teams are simply posturing for their constituents and the media? No one gives two figs about tuition rate increases, particularly since colleges and universities from coast to coast continue to raise tuition costs without the slightest promise of a job afterward. Even if the interest rates were to double under the current rates, the typical American still can't afford an education in our wonderful institutions of higher learning and if they can they spend 20 years attempting to pay it back. If our Congress were truly concerned, it would be regarding the for profit model of education our country thrives on.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost