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My name is Adesina "Nina" Davis and welcome to my blog. I am CEO of Sina Davis LLC and run several companies including Simply Tasteful Catering & Entertainment. I do my best to enjoy life to the fullest and urge everyone I know to do the same. Change only comes when you do something about it. Let's just say I am doing a lot!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Pharoah-Let My People Go

Is it really any surprise that a relatively peaceful demonstration has turned violent? Is anyone truly surprised that once President Mubarek declined the peoples wishes that the masses turned impassioned protests into violent retaliation? How comical it is that a leader refuses to listen to the pleas of the people and most of the democratic world and unleashes his thugs on the masses to subdue them.  CNN News in particular has demonstrated the violent extremes Pro-Mubarek camel riders will go in attempts to force his will. Anyone familiar with the stubborn Pharoah of the Bible who was willing to take on all the curses of God rather than free an enslaved people should reflect on the state of affairs in today's Egypt. Well thousands of years later the scene has returned remarkably close to that of the original parable. Perhaps Mubarek is not familiar with the ending in which his people suffer the most,  he dies of heart break,and his country is eventually left in ruins, his people cursing him for generations.
As Bill Handle stated this morning on 640am radio, how can any supposedly democratic government stand by while other countries people we have "good relations" with suffer under tyranny. Any idiot who finds a "slow transition" necessary to prevent the rise of Islamic extremists are simply voicing personal terror over any country that would support the faith of Islam. Islamic extremists do not rule the world people. They are a very small percentage of the opposition force in Egypt (approx 25% by all accounts) and it is becoming redundant to excuse the behaviors of dictatorial leaders on the basis that its better that the "Muslim" alternative. Half of the world is Muslim, its not really a jump to assume that some of their leaders may be! Our Republican bleeding hearts like John Boehner, McCain are sitting nervously as the tenuous relations we have with Israel and Jordan are tested as Obama asserts his support with the Egyptian people clearly denouncing Mubareks attempt to resign in September. Why would some of the most "patriotic" republicans of our century side with a leadership that was utterly rejected by its constituents? Why would they encourage the Egyptians to hold on a little longer while the President works some things out. Thats like saying lets delay slavery just a little longer, while we get our staffing taken care of.  Hmmm, perhaps this says more about their character than any of their pre scripted debates, commercials and media snip its. Hopefully Egypt is watching the characters in our democratic government and note that absolute power breeds absolute corruption no matter the form of government and that leaders themselves forget they are truly subject to the people.


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