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My name is Adesina "Nina" Davis and welcome to my blog. I am CEO of Sina Davis LLC and run several companies including Simply Tasteful Catering & Entertainment. I do my best to enjoy life to the fullest and urge everyone I know to do the same. Change only comes when you do something about it. Let's just say I am doing a lot!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

"Egypt is not ready for democracy" Really well Massah when?

How utterly ridiculous is it that the "Vice President" (recently appointed after a 30yr vacancy in the position) of Egypt has announced before the world that Egypt is not ready for democracy.  When I first heard the report on AM 640 radio I automatically assumed that the reporter had it wrong or was simply paraphrasing what the VP had said. It wasn't until later that evening while watching the news report on Egypt that I realized that I had indeed heard correctly. In 2011 in one of the wealthiest Arab nations in the world, the questionable VP appointee Omar Suleiman has the nerve to tell hundreds of thousands of protesting Egyptians that they were not ready for freedom. Am I the only one completely astounded by such a stupid statement ? Perhaps I am relatively spoiled here in the US where democracy is the only government we know. Perhaps I am naive in believing that any rational argument concerning the rights of men and women would require democratic principles, values and beliefs. By no means do I mean that democracy is the sole means of obtaining personal freedom and choice but thus far its the best method man has seemed to come up with. With the history of dictatorships and tyrannical leaders always leading to mass social injustices, oppression and a collapsed society one would think that in this day an age, the dynastic style governments would be outdated. Perhaps, the Egyptian elite and the powers and money that sustain them are threatened by the ability of the "people" to think and choose for themselves.  Furthermore, anything the VP has to say would obviously be met with scorn for the Egyptian people know exactly who appointed him in the first place. If a people rise up, not hundreds, or merely a few thousand, hundreds of thousands, all screaming Freedom with no compromise why would they accept the appointee of a person they detest and demand to be removed? President Mubarak is only president in name for his country has turned against him. He can appoint the second coming and Egyptians will still reject him and the policies he attempts to bring forth. Speculation on who will take power is irrelevant if the peoples demands are not met. (Sidenote: All you idiot pundits, opinions and personalities should zip it closed regarding a society you just recently learned about. Pallin, Rush and all of you empty headed Republican elitists need to shove it and get off it with your "Oh no we must do it this way, slowly and with our control and guidance, the Islamic extremists are coming". If the Egyptian people elect an Islamic government deal with it. American is hardly the moral police and 1/2 the world is Muslim.  Sorry really hate undisguised racism and hysterical religious fears from our Red White and Blue self appointed Patriots.)
Its obvious that the revolution has just begun, millions are expected to take to the streets and hundreds of thousands have marched. How long will the discarded government continue to assert its will so contradictory to that of the people?

Nina Davis

*Image courtesy of neontommy.com

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