About Me

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My name is Adesina "Nina" Davis and welcome to my blog. I am CEO of Sina Davis LLC and run several companies including Simply Tasteful Catering & Entertainment. I do my best to enjoy life to the fullest and urge everyone I know to do the same. Change only comes when you do something about it. Let's just say I am doing a lot!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Despite Logic and Reason

Despite our impressive abilities concerning logic and reason, man’s most basic advantage over all animals on this planet, we still live in a society permeated with idiots. All the advances of man from technology to medicine have not yet freed us from our preoccupation with religious theory, political worship or failing social systems. Every day a seemingly remarkable discovery, scientific find, or revision of previous theory is made and very few are even aware. Check out the amount of hits to scholarly websites, vs the amount of hits to you tube and “Lindsay Lohan”. Check out the amount of people who actually read a book for the sake of reading it or the amount of Americans who go to college for knowledge and not an eventual paycheck. A glance at western culture and its preoccupation with frivolous issues and ignorant topics should highlight the fact that “enlightenment “and the pursuit of knowledge for the advancement of mankind is the least of concerns for the majority of people. The media, the perfect conduit of information and facts, scientific discovery and relevant issues is simply a Celebrity cesspool in which are latest do nothing media darlings are followed and analyzed on multiple channels for hours at a time. The identification of an earth-like planet captured via Satellite by Nasa earlier this month was regulated to a 10 second sound bite at the end of late night news when “entertainment news” compromises the majority of TV time. The slaughter of millions of people in war torn countries such as Rwanda, Angola and the Congo only spark attention when movies like Blood Diamonds premiere. For most of us with satellite and cable TV we have hundreds of channels that offer us “reality” TV for our entertainment and enjoyment. These channels bombard us with reality TV which depicts nothing of our true reality, simply carefully scripted shows depicting human beings as capitalist do nothings with little concern for anyone but ourselves. Man will not advance simply because he exists, man will advance when we utilize our greatest gift, higher reasoning and logic and apply it to all aspects of our lives and world. 

Nina Davis

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