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My name is Adesina "Nina" Davis and welcome to my blog. I am CEO of Sina Davis LLC and run several companies including Simply Tasteful Catering & Entertainment. I do my best to enjoy life to the fullest and urge everyone I know to do the same. Change only comes when you do something about it. Let's just say I am doing a lot!

Friday, December 31, 2010

The Church says no, but I’m a Christian by my own definition

I am a Christian. By my own definition my “Christianity” extends only to the beliefs in the Almighty power, his son Jesus and those that came before him to show us, humans how to act. Period. I don’t speculate on heaven or hell, I’ve never been there and thus far no scientist has been able to identify these locations. I believe that the Bible is a book containing Holy texts, parables, metaphors and fables. I was raised Baptist and despite my educational background in Religion and hundreds of sermon attendances, I am still not quite sure what that exactly means. I fail to adhere to one denomination over the other and I definitely have a preference for which churches I do not support. I do not believe the Bible is to be read literally and interpreted word for word, nor do I believe pastors or any religious figure in the vast hierarchy can judge another man. I don’t believe in the systematic oppression of people who contradict Church edict, nor do I support the phenomena that the Pope is appointed by God as the overseer of Christendom. (Side note-He is obviously voted in as its broadcast from coast to coast.) I do not believe the true GOD is complex, requires a human interpreter and prone to murdering his people. I do believe that Christianity similar to many other religions has been used as a weapon and means of political and social domination by the selfish motives of powerful individuals. A brief glance at history, specifically the history of Christendom is rife with forced conversion and scriptural manipulation. The unification of Rome and the spread of Christendom were interlinked and the mass oppression, forced conversion and subjugation of conquered peoples were initiated, defended and propagated by the Catholic Church. Slavery in Europe, Africa and the Americas was defended by leaders of the Church. In Hinduism, human beings are classified by their color, genetically the amount of melanin they contain, and their oppression is supported by their spiritual leaders. Within certain sects of Islam, they decree death to non-believers, while others systematically oppress their Christian neighbors. Judaism claims a righteous and chosen existence, but its leaders demand rights via non righteous means. Genetically the first “Jews” were of African descent, however you bring this up anywhere in the country of Israel and you will be thrown out.  By no means have I intended to classify masses of people by their fellow brethren’s actions nor by their leaders’ errors in judgment. However, at what point to you realize that the religion itself is the oppressor? That the religion itself is perhaps flawed and the teachings and views of the leaders of these religions are as flawed as their congregants, parishioners and believers? All of the above mentioned religions claim the right path or the only way to live and exist, however each is blemished by the acts of the representatives of their religion. In most cases, the most horrific acts come from the top. The inherent rejection of “others” in every major religion is a device used to separate man from his fellow people. If Christianity is good and righteous, then why is it filled with so much wrong? If Islam is the religion of the chosen why are they constantly at war? If Hinduism is the right path why are so many of your people oppressed by your own? If God is almighty wouldn’t it stand to reason that the acts of man in his name are meaningless? If any of the aforementioned religions are from God, Allah or and an Almighty being why are the acts of so many of its representatives so heinous? I propose that the only way to achieve peace or some resemblance of advanced thinking among the human race is through the eradication of our religious armor. To believe in something is one thing, to harm, divide or oppress another in its name is ignorant, futile and denies logic and reason

Nina Davis

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