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My name is Adesina "Nina" Davis and welcome to my blog. I am CEO of Sina Davis LLC and run several companies including Simply Tasteful Catering & Entertainment. I do my best to enjoy life to the fullest and urge everyone I know to do the same. Change only comes when you do something about it. Let's just say I am doing a lot!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I am sick of politics!!!!!!!!

Am I the only person tired of hearing the same back and forth arguments between commentators and politicians on Fox News? How many times are we going to have to hear that our president is a Communist, Socialist, or Adolph Hitler? Not very patriotic I might add. I mean, you may disagree with his policies or what not, but comparing Obama to the most insane and notorious leader of all time should be obviously a bit of a stretch one would think. I wonder how Hitler would feel about this comparison! I've decided I have had enough. I am going to give my ears a well deserved break from the nonsense, despite its entertainment value. (I like laughing at idiots! Lol) I have now banned the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Hannity and how could I forget..., the psycho, self proclaimed professor himself, Glen Beck, from torturing my intelligence any further with their rants, dripping with thinly disguised racism. And yeah, I'm a little tired of Sarah Palin as well, and her constant screaming "We want our country back!". As if it was ever lost in the first place. This is all a part of the platform of painting our president as some kind of outsider. As someone "Who is not one of us" sort of speak. When was the last time we have seen such vile hate for a president in the history of this country? "Obama wants to redistribute the wealth" is another one; as if his whole agenda must be somehow attributable to so called black liberation theology.  One is tempted to ask himself, what could be fueling all of this hate if not racism? Most will say well its his policies. If thats how you feel, can it be said that we have had enough time to see if they work? Two years into his presidency and people are acting like the guy should be crucified because our economy didn't miraculously rebound on a dime. This is like turning a giant ocean liner not a Corvette. And on top of that if I'm not mistaken,didn't we just give an illiterate drunk/ War criminal 8 years to get us into this mess in the first place? I think we all should give President Obama some credit, both sides, Republicans and Democrats, because he is really doing a great job. Heck, right now his NOBEL PEACE PRIZE is the least of his accomplishments, and he has a lot more time to further distinguish his legacy. In the end I think politicians and commentators trying to score political points by bashing the president should at least be patriotic enough to show a little respect to the Oval Office itself, no matter who is at the helm. But then again, common sense, in politics? Yeah right!

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