About Me

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My name is Adesina "Nina" Davis and welcome to my blog. I am CEO of Sina Davis LLC and run several companies including Simply Tasteful Catering & Entertainment. I do my best to enjoy life to the fullest and urge everyone I know to do the same. Change only comes when you do something about it. Let's just say I am doing a lot!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Are We That Fickle?

In response to the article The Story of the Past Two Years by C. Krauthammer,  (Washington Post Writers Group), I can only find myself appalled by the mood swings of our "informed voters". Assuming the authors surmise is true, and most Americans are tired of the "wrong" direction we are headed, where were these Americans when Obama was elected? The author cites a "desperate attack" by the Democrats to explain the GOP take over Nov. 2, 2010. This talk of "dark conspiracies" specifically, "secret money, foreign influence, big corporations.." are the very  problems Obama addressed during his campaign trail in 2008. If the ideological inclinations of the American people are "demonstrably center-right" as the author argues where were they when Obama was issued into office? I find it disturbing that the millions of people who chanted "change" are now almost violently opposed to the administration it helped elect. Does anyone remember 2008? Do you honestly believe that a country's whose stock market plunged into the depths of hell, would bounce right back right in time for the New Year? Have "most Americans" lost their minds? The policies, behaviors and political systems at work prior to Obama, were the same problems dropped on his desk the day after election. The same problems most Americans realized Republican dominated administrations had created. Attempting to work through them without resulting to customary game playing with the lobbyists and Republicans now gets him rebuked by the voters with change stickers plastered all over their bumpers.
And for all the politicians that ran on the platform to repeal health care, what country do you live in? The presidents veto stamp was moistened the minute Tea-Party lunatics shouted repeal it. I would like the people now covered under the policy to stand up. Something tells me that the millions of college students, struggling families and businesses that now benefit from the health care benefits this administration has provided will not be willing to turn it in to fit the motives of the Republican party.

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