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My name is Adesina "Nina" Davis and welcome to my blog. I am CEO of Sina Davis LLC and run several companies including Simply Tasteful Catering & Entertainment. I do my best to enjoy life to the fullest and urge everyone I know to do the same. Change only comes when you do something about it. Let's just say I am doing a lot!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Ridiculous Debate Evolution Vs Intelligent Design

  So the Bible thumping Republicans and Conservatives in Florida are at it again. Though the adoption of evolution as a fundamental biological principle has long been established and taught in most schools, many right wing religious zealots are still pushing for the inclusion of Intelligent design to be taught as a scientific principle. Despite the overwhelming evidence and support for evolution as a valid process, many chained to their religious books are determined to push for our children to learn what actually amounts to religious philosophy. Personally I believe in an intelligent designer that created evolution, not in one concept to the exclusion of the other. What is key in my learning experience is that a scientist taught me the principles of scientific theory and a pastor taught the principles of religion and theology. If school educations purpose (concerning science specifically) is to teach a relatively uniform curriculum regarding facts based on science, reasoning and practice how can we honestly teach a concept based predominately on faith and conflicting social practice, not actual science or tangible facts? Introducing intelligent design back into science would present a problem as who would be qualified to teach it? A Catholic Priest? A Jewish Rabbi? Which faith dictates the most accepted explanations concerning intelligent design. Couldn't it be easily understood that intelligent design despite its appeal,  lacks the scientific evidence that would allow itself a place in the category of accepted scientific theory? I am not an atheist but can easily acknowledge that the test, retest, reliability and hypothetical requirements of the scientific method cannot be applied to a theory concerning Intelligent design which is primarily based on notions and concepts we cannot measure using current scientific methodologies. Because we cannot prove GOD or the existence of any other intelligent deity via the scientific method, the only method utilized in modern science, how can we truly teach it within the paradigm of science today?
How about the parents of the children chose exactly which faith they wish their children to learn about, just outside of the classroom and leave the teaching of science to scientists.

Nina Davis

*photos courtesy of secondhandconjecture.com

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