About Me

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My name is Adesina "Nina" Davis and welcome to my blog. I am CEO of Sina Davis LLC and run several companies including Simply Tasteful Catering & Entertainment. I do my best to enjoy life to the fullest and urge everyone I know to do the same. Change only comes when you do something about it. Let's just say I am doing a lot!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Jerry Sandusky Guilty: Verdict Reached In Child Molestation Trial Of Former Penn State Football Coach

This is so sad and so sick that a million guilty verdicts could not even begin to undo the pain caused to the victims. At the very least we can be thankful for a jury that saw through the prestigious status of this coach and into the very reality that he did something very, very wrong.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Military Suicide Rate Surges To Nearly One Per Day This Year

When will they learn...the wages of war effect far more people than those murdered in the name of..(insert here). Mankind may be advanced but obviously not to the point of realizing the cost of war is paid by both sides....the "winners" and the "losers". War=death. Any other equation is the subject of philosophical and political debate, not facts based in reality. For those that bury their loved ones, prayers.......
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost